The Holy Spirit Pt.16 The Work of The Holy Spirit Pt.6 - The Spirit of The Lord

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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In this episode of Kingdom Come with Andrew Nkoyoyo podcast, you'll discover the work of the Spirit of the Lord. You'll learn how to engage with Him to activate His work of power, healing, prophetic revelation, deliverance, miracles, freedom and warfare against your enemies.  Get ready to experience a new dimension of God's supernatural and consistent victory over the devil.



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Introduction: (00:00)
This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and listeners like you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (01:25)
Hello, dear friend, and welcome back to Kingdom. Come with me, Andrew Nkoyoyo. Thank you for tuning in. We are glad you are here. I welcome our podcast listeners, our viewers on YouTube and our Kingdom Impact Network. Audience, thank you for being here. The, the anointing of the spirit is so strong already here on me. I get ready to unpack this to you, and I pray that you, yes, as I share, I I want you to place a demand on the anointing, okay? Because there's a special anointing that I believe God is gonna release on this broadcast, on this podcast to you as you listen. And I'm gonna I be praying for you and, and praying that, you know, this anointing that I feel that is on me right now will be transmitted to you as you watch.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (02:20)
And as you listen you, you know, the, the power of God. Ooh, . This is gonna be a little different, but this is what we're gonna cover in this episode today. We're gonna, we specifically, we are talking about the spirit of the Lord. This is part 16, and we are continuing talking about the work of the Holy Spirit. And this is part six. So we've kind of come a long way. And in this episode I'm gonna show you how the spirit of the Lord demonstrates redemptive power work and acts of the Lord of Yahweh. How the Spirit of the Lord demonstrates victory, deliverance from our enemies. How the Spirit of the Lord demonstrates deliverance and sets the captives free. How the Spirit of the Lord anoints us and demonstrates divine power for ministry. How the spirit of the Lord anoints and activates a prophetic people.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (03:21)
And we're gonna talk about how the Spirit of the Lord demonstrates divine success and victory in any area of our lives. Dear friend. Oh, the, the anointing is so strong on me. Before I, I, I get into the message here again, I want to point you to my new book, catch and Release, God Supernatural. And the things that I share in here they are part from this book, but they are specifically the part on unleashing the miracle worker within you. There's a chapter on unleashing the miracle worker, and the, the chapter on j just the Holy Spirit key. You see the difference between those who work in power and those who don't is that those who do have known the Holy Spirit and those who don't have not. I know that sounds a little harsh, but that's a fact.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (04:18)
The spirit of God, as I'm gonna show you in this episode today, specifically the spirit of the Lord is the one who anoints you and I. So when you get to know the Holy Spirit , you are unlocking the power that there is, okay? And so, again get a copy so you can follow with me as we continue through this series and the series that are going to be following. Cuz I'm gonna go through the, the keys, the steps, the methods on how to catch and release God's supernatural. How do you work in God's miracles, signs and wonders. You see, God is not respectable persons. If he can do with me at age 15, dear friend, he can do it with you and for you and through you. And so I know these messages are known for those who just want to play church or play Christianity.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (05:14)
They're for those who are serious, okay? And I believe you are watching and you are listening to this message because you are serious. Okay? So let's jump right in again. Our theme scripture is Acts 19, verse one and two, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples and asked them, did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed? They answered, no, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. And dear friend, remember, you know, we have taught already in this series there's a difference between the indwelling of the Spirit and the baptism of the Spirit. And if you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I, again, I give you the key on how to do that by yourself. I mean, other people can prefer you. They had steps in here, and I show you how to use the blood of Jesus and, and the steps to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit by your faith, by your own prayer.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (06:14)
When I got filled with the Holy Spirit, it was by my faith, by my prayer in the shower of all places. That's how I got, you know, to know. And I have helped thousands of people receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit using the same steps and method and approach that I show you in this book. So you can go and get in depth. Again, there's a difference between the indwelling, you know, these believers at Corinth, they didn't know that they had the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Cause nobody has had ever, you know, taught them about the Holy Spirit. They had the indwelling. But what I believe Paul was asking was the baptism. He is a separate, distinct experience to the indwelling, okay? And they said, , he was asking them about if they had received the Holy Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (07:07)
They didn't even know there was a such a thing. So there are many in the church today, they have the indwelling of the Spirit, but they don't have the baptism. And those who even have the baptism have known, taken their experience to actually turn into power where it transforms, you know, radically their lives and activates them to be, you know, miracle workers to be agents of revival, agents of healing, of deliverance, agents of, of transformation, of change, changing other people's lives, changing, you know, their environment, impacting community and where they are. And so that's why I'm doing this teaching, because I believe, you know, God has called us, you know, our ministry to be catalyst, you know, for revival, catalyst for a move of God in these and times to prepare. And a people, an army of God's people, men and women that will not just play church, that will not just, you know, be happy being good Christians or just going to church and, you know, do your Christian thing, your religious thing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (08:13)
I'm talking about people that are activated to be, to, you know, to walk in miracle signs and wonders. Jesus said in Mark 16, these signs shall follow them. That belief, you know, now when you study that word that you know, believe the Greek word, the root word means by life, means that by your life, you know, you are living what you believe. You are acting it out. It's not just you believe it on the inside, and it's just kept in there. You are living it out in your neighborhood, in your family, in your home, in your office, at your place of work, wherever you go. And so that's why I believe God is calling us to equip you so you can be the person, the man and woman that God wants you to be, to make the impact. And so Judges chapter six, verse 34, this is key, but the spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, then he blew the trumpet and the azi rights gathered behind him.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (09:24)
Now, I encourage you, read the whole chapter to get the context. But the children of Israel, they, they are attacked by three armies that have come against them, the, the, the people of God. And God sends an angel to Gideon, and Gideon says, oh no, you've got the wrong guy. I come from the list family, I'm the list in my family, I, I from the list, clan of Manasses. I mean, he's like everything, the list, the list, the list, as if got in know already. But God does not choose people who have everything together. He will choose the fullest things of this world to confound the wises. That's what the Bible says. Why? Because at the end of the day, it's not by might, it's not by power. It is by the Spirit. And so here, the spirit of the Lord specifically is referred to as the spirit of the Lord.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (10:22)
Because again, remember the spirit of the Lord demonstrates the acts and the works of the Lord. Who is the Lord? Yahweh or Jehovah? What does Yahweh or Jehovah mean? It means God who reveals himself. You know, we talk about the, the seven redemptive names of God. Well, God is revealing himself as Jehovah Jireh as the Lord our provider, Jehovah Rafa as the Lord, our healer, Jehovah Nii the Lord, our victory. You see Jehovah Shalom, the Lord, our peace, who executes that work, who is going to bring about the peace, the victory, the provision, specifically it is by the Spirit of Jehovah, the Spirit of Yahweh, the Spirit of the Lord. God. I want you to put that in your spirit because this is key. You see, dear friend, this, oh, the anointing is pouring on me. Holy Spirit, help me get through this cause I'm getting undone here.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (11:28)
I don't wanna get begin on sobbing and crying like a baby, the spirit of God. When we know how to tap into his work, then we rest from struggling and striving and we rest in his divine omnipotence. We rest in his power, in his acts and works and his ability, okay? To do what we could not do. See, this is the difference here. The spirit of the Lord, the Bible I had translation say that the Spirit closed himself with Gideon. Okay? If you have listened to my message, but as a matter of fact, go listen to it. I talk about it, your greatest, greatest need. I teach about how the key and I teach in this book. What does that look like? How do you get the Holy Spirit to clothe himself with you? This is what the Bible, you get this, you walk in power right now, today the Holy Spirit closed himself with Gideon.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (12:33)
Okay? Now, this translation I just read says he came upon that he anointed him, but I believe it's the N I V. He says, the clo, the spirit of God closed himself or the living Bible, the spirit of the Lord closed himself with Gideon. In other words, the Spirit took Gideon's body and made it his own. And everything that Gideon was doing, it is because the spirit of God was doing it in him, with him and through him. And I teach you how you do that, because the Holy Spirit, the spirit of the Lord specifically, is gonna clothe himself with you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (13:14)
You see this morning right here, right now, the spirit of God clothe himself with me and my team here. And we are speaking the very word of God, the now word of God, the Spirit of the Lord empowers us beyond. You see what the natural could do, you know, even though I was so busy and tired last night, the spirit of God clothe himself with me. All of a sudden is I, I come alive. It's like I'm a fireball. It's not me. The spirit of God is gonna close himself with you. He's gonna close himself, you know, with me. And then he begins to empower. He begins to preach, he begins to teach, he begins to do, he's beating through you like he did with Gideon. He closed himself with Gideon. So the key here is you have to be willing to let the spirit of God put on your body, so to speak. He clo not only just your body, he clothe himself with you, okay? And, and so then your mind becomes his mind. You see, your body becomes his body. As a matter of fact, that's why the Bible says that we are the temple of the Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (14:31)
Why? Because if we allow the spirit of the Lord to clothe himself with us, he's gonna wear us and we become the temple, okay? Where he leaves and moves and has his being and has his ministry, has his activities, okay? Again, we are his partners. So the spirit of God closed himself with Gideon, and then all of a sudden he became this mighty powerful commander-in-chief that delivered God's people. Though he was in the natural, he was weak. He didn't have what he, you know, it, it took when the spirit clothed himself with him, he was more than enough. He had more than enough, okay? So you have to allow yourself to be closed by the spirit of God. Isaiah 59, verse 19. Okay? The spirit of God, of the Lord, so shall they fear the name of the Lord from the West and his glory from the rising of the sun.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (15:37)
When the, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift the standard against him again. You, you see it here. The spirit of the Lord is your protector. He's your deliverer. Do you wanna fight warfare and win? This is the key right here. He says, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him, okay? The spirit of the Lord, not you, not me, the spirit of the Lord. So we need to know that when we are engaging in spiritual warfare, that we have already the greatest weapon in the spirit of the Lord. We have to act, activate the spirit of the Lord. So how do you do that? Listen, let me show you. So again, it's communion, prayer, spirit of the Lord. The enemy is coming against me, against my finances, against my health.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (16:43)
According to Isaiah 59, verse 19, I ask you to come to my defense, come to my protection, raise a standard against informity, get, raise a standard against this cancer, raise a standard against this attack of the enemy, whatever it is, you name it, you were involving the spirit of the Lord in your warfare, in your battle. And then he's gonna begin to raise a standard. You see, up until then, you can bind and lose and do that. And that's another key that I teach. But it also has its place. You see, it has its place. Sometimes you use the wrong key, on the wrong problem, and the right, you know, and, and, and the right key on the wrong problem. You see what I mean? We need to know when to use what key and how. Okay? And so the spirit of the Lord closed himself with Gideon and gave him victory.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (17:46)
You need victory. You need to be able to confront the enemy, allow the spirit of God to clothe himself wi with you. How do you do that? This is how you do it. Again, it's communion prayer. You say spirit of the Lord, clothe yourself with me, spirit, soul, body. Take absolute control of me and release your power. Demonstrate yourself and your power in me, with me and through me. Oh, mighty God. Oh, the power of God. You see, dear friend, that simple communion prayer, you are involving the Holy Spirit. You are engaging him. You are, you know, he's your helper. How do you reach out for his help? By just doing what I just did right there. You have enlisted his help. Now him as the spirit of the Lord is gonna g gonna come and he's gonna clothe himself with you. You need victory.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (18:42)
He's gonna be close himself with you, and he's gonna release, ask him to demonstrate his work, his ministry, his victory in you. See, this is how we do it. You see, it is so simple, and yet very few people know about it. And the devil is laughing in the corner, say, wow, I wish these people knew what they had. That's why the Bible says that, because we don't know who we are and what we have, we are gonna die like me. A man. We are not taking the territory. You see, we are not ruling and reigning our sons and daughters because we don't know what we have. You see, God is releasing understanding to you right now. Okay? So the spirit of of the Lord demonstrates deliverance and sits as free from. It is the spirit of the Lord. You know, we get a lot of emails for deliverance, people being tormented.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (19:44)
I mean, most of the emails we get are for deliverance and healing from people who are being tormented. And so if people are being tormented, you know me to be able to help them. Yes, we pray our team, we pray for those people. But better yet, I can show you how to fight so that you know when the enemy comes in like a flag, you know how to fight. This is how you fight. Listen to this. You're being tormented. You know, you know somebody who's being tormented and you are wondering how you get them free. Or how do you come out from underneath the torment of the enemy? Second Corinthians chapter three, verse 17. Listen to this. Now, the Lord is the spirit. Yahweh is the spirit. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, there is liberty, there is deliverance. See, this is the key to deliverance. Now, you use this and you alongside the other keys that I show you, then you are guaranteed victory in the name of Jesus. But he says that now the Lord is that spirit where the spirit of the Lord is liberty.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (21:06)
So how do you do that? How do you begin to engage the Lord who is the spirit? It's the same way with your words, releasing your faith in Him who is in you, with you and upon you, yielding a surrender yourself to him and saying, holy Spirit, I acknowledge and recognize you as the Lord. You are the Lord, and you are spirit, and you are in me, with me, and upon me, spirit of the Lord. Begin the work of deliverance. And then you begin to list whatever it is that you've been tormented, demonstrate your power of deliverance, of liberty and freedom in my mind, in in my emotions, in my thoughts, in my body. Who yes, in your body right now, you need healing. Release the spirit of the Lord to demonstrate his power in that area, in your feet where there's arthritis, where there is, you know, that autoimmune disease, whether is, you know, clotting in your body or high blood pressure, whatever the cause is, whatever it is, you name it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (22:22)
And release the spirit of the Lord to demonstrate his power in all those areas where they, you see Christians, Christians cannot be demon possessed if they're truly followers of Christ, but they can be demon, tormented and oppressed. You see, because you know the Holy Spirit lives in your soul and your spirit, sorry, but you know, your soul and your body and all the other places the enemy can attack you see? And so when you learn to release the spirit who is in your spirit, it begins to permeate your soul and your body and everything between. And he demonstrates, okay? So the Lord is the spirit. And where the spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So if the spirit of the Lord is in you, and I believe he is, then you should be free. And this is how you unleash his help, his power, his work into your life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (23:24)
Amen. Okay, let's continue. The spirit of the Lord anoints us and demonstrates divine power for ministry. We see this with the ministry of Jesus. Even Jesus himself needed the anointing that was applied on his life by the spirit of the Lord, for him to study his oath in ministry. Until then, he could not do the work that he was here to do. Because remember, he was a hundred percent God and a hundred percent man in covenant with God. Okay? So if Jesus needed the anointing and the spirit of the law to anointing, so do we. Okay, let's read Luke chapter four, verse 18. The spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me who anointed Jesus. It was the spirit of the Lord. You see, dear friend, we have made a big mess and it complicated so many things. You see how simple it is.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (24:18)
Jesus himself tells us who anointed him and how he was anointed. You see, there's nothing spooky weird or a mystery about this. It is biblical, and this is the inheritance of every Christian. This is your inheritance. You have to believe it, okay? If you're going to walk in it, I mean, it's a choice. But Jesus says, the spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor. The spirit of the Lord anointed him. He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted who are who, who anointed him the spirit of the Lord, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed. You see, the healing and the deliverance and miracle ministry of Jesus was because of the spirit of the Lord, anointed him the same spirit of the Lord.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (25:11)
Dear friend, anoints, you and I when I discovered this 34 plus years ago, I was like, wow. Oh, how I love the spirit of the Lord, the anointing of his presence. See, dear friend, there is nothing. This is no struggle. There's nothing, nothing that God will not do. And God hasn't already given you the solution, the provision for you and I to be able to accomplish what he wants us to be and to do. You see, Jesus was anointed by the spirit of the Lord. You and I, we as Christians can be anointed by the spirit of the Lord. And we are, if you believe it, we are okay? So how do you activate this spirit of the Lord for the ministry? He's gonna anoint you the same way you know the spirit of the Lord. You, you know, you go through the same, you know, , it's not quite a routine.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (26:14)
I I, but I like to call it a lifestyle. You know, it's just getting comfortable talking to the Holy Spirit. Remember, you have to remember always that is in you, with you and upon you. That's what Jesus said. He's gonna abide with you forever, okay? Jesus right now is on the right hand of the Father, okay? God, the Father is in heaven. Jesus is not on earth. The Holy Spirit is and is in you, with you and upon you. And the upon is the anointing part, as I already, you know, shared that with you. So you need power, you need anointing for ministry, whatever ministry. Now, Jesus was anointed to do this, and he list them out because this was, you know, really the majority of his ministry, okay? The majority of his ministry preached and he taught, but the evidence of everything else he was doing, basically this was a summary of what he was doing, preaching the gospel to the poor, you know, healing the broken hearted, putting people's hearts and you know, that has been broken back together.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (27:25)
Proclaim liberty to the captives, telling those who are bound by the enemy being tormented, that they can't be free. And they got free by the power of the spirit of the Lord, you know, releasing miracles to the blind, whether it was spiritual or physical, and set liberty those who are oppressed. You see, this was a summary of what Jesus ministry was and what he came to do. And so you and I today can, you know, connect to the Holy Spirit, know him and engage him, you know, specifically by his name, you know, spirit of the Lord. And in surrender, communion prayer, in surrender by faith says spirit of the Lord, here I am, anoint me for the calling of God on my life. Anoint me to do what I am called to do. And the spirit of the Lord is going to begin to anoint you, af freshen on you.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (28:34)
Ask him, spirit of the Lord, demonstrate your power and your spirit and your miracles, your wonders, all that he takes for me to be what God, God's caused me to, calls me to be and to do what God calls me to do. And he's gonna give you the right gifts. He's gonna release those, the right gifts that you need. Maybe right now you're desiring somebody says gift or somebody who moves in the prophetic, or somebody who moves in healing or, or whatever. And you're desire those gifts. And the Bible says, you know, desire spiritual gifts. But there comes a time as you grow, you know, and you really get to know the spirit of the Lord. And as you, you allow yourself to be anointed by him, he's gonna give you the right gifts. He's gonna activate you and release the, the right spiritual gifts that you need to be able to fulfill the call on your life, okay?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (29:26)
There are gifts, an anointing that is specific to you that he will apply to you, okay? I mean, I can lay hands on you and impart the anointing, okay? But for you to enter specifically into the destiny of the anointing that God desires for you, that specific anointing, you know, for you, you need to know the spirit of the Lord. Because when you know him, and when you engage him, and when you wait upon him, allow him to so you and po you and saturate you with the very anointing, you know, that is to make your calling and destiny on this earth fulfill, oh, dear friend, is the most beautiful thing. I I mean, the day I discovered that, it's like I seize, you know, all the struggling to where I know, you know it's known by power, it is known by mind. It is by the spirit, says the Lord.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (30:18)
It is by the spirit. So when I discovered that all I need to do is to get to know this spirit, to love this spirit, you know, and I, I I share with you again, in, in this book, you know, this one revelation he told me, Andrew, you know, to, to love him is to know him. You know? And when you know him, you're gonna want him. And when you want him, you know, then you're gonna obey him. You know, I put it in this book, you know, I don't remember the, the particular order, but the, the whole idea was he told me, if you need him, you're gonna want him. And if you're gonna want him, you're gonna love him. And if you love him, you're gonna know him. And if you know him, you're gonna see him. And then when you see him , you're gonna grow in this love and then vice.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:04)
And then it's kind of like an ongoing, you know, circle that goes, you know, the more I need him, the more I'm gonna love him, and I'm gonna know him, and I'm gonna want him because the more I test of him, I get a test of him. Oh my goodness, I found out, actually, there is more to what I tested yesterday. And the more I knew I know him, I, even today I found out, wow, I never knew this side of him. You see what I mean? It's like each and every day is an adventure. I I tell you, I'm addicted to the Holy Ghost because I, I know that's it, you know, not such a great word to use in Christian sokos, but yes I am, because I'm telling you, the more I find that, the more I test him, oh, his goodness. And then I found out there is more, and he's revealing Jesus to me, and he's making the word of God alive.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (31:49)
And this Jesus, I, I, I'm more in loving in Jesus today than I did, you know, 34 years ago when I said it. Why? Because the spirit of God has been bringing me deeper and deeper into this Jesus, okay? And so, oh dear friend, but he, I mean, he does this. Okay, let's move on. The spirit of the Lord annoys and activates a prophetic people. Listen, George, chapter two, verse 28, afterwards, I'll pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, and your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. But who made this promise? The Lord God. Okay? The promise here, there's a prophetic generation that God is raising. And I know we talk a lot about, you know, the end time generation, the prophetic generation, you know, but this is how he's doing it, and this is who is doing it, okay?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (32:43)
Here he says, I'll call my spirit. Now, I want you to you know, again, stay with me here, who makes this promise? The Lord God makes Yahweh. Remember, this is the spirit of Yahweh, spirit of the Lord, the Spirit of the Lord. So here, the Lord God, in verse 27, joy chapter two, verse 27, then you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel. I am the Lord your God, the version say, I am the Lord God. And there is no other who makes the promise to pour the Spirit, the Lord God. He says, I'm gonna pour my spirit. You see, I'm gonna demonstrate my spirit. That's pretty much what he's saying. I'm gonna reveal and uncover, okay, where the, there is that word, poor. I want you to use the word proof. I want you to use the word demonstration. I'm gonna demonstrate my spirit on all flesh.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (34:52)
And we have seen where all people were filled with the Holy Spirit and not me laying hands on them, the Spirit himself imparting power. I mean, you can't, you know, I mean, you can lay hands when it's a small group of, you know, of a handful. But when you start, you know, talking thousands, you know, tens of thousand, you know, you .just have to learn how to work with the Holy Spirit. And we have seen it. And here he says, I'm gonna pull my spirit on all non samm, all flesh. But this is a promise that the Lord God made and is doing it by the spirit of the Lord, okay? The Spirit of the Lord, you can again, activate, you know, activate the work of the Spirit of the Lord in your life, anytime, anywhere. I mean, I do it driving, I do it reading, I do it, you know, you know, relaxing.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (35:50)
TI do it, jogging and doing my exercise. You know, just getting into the habit of talking to the Holy Spirit. I mean, there are so many things we have covered in this series, and you know, you're not gonna get it the first time, but that's why, you know, we are put it out there that you can listen to it, you can watch it, you can get transcripts, you know, and by the grace of God, soon we'll have a book out so you can, you know, really immerse yourself in this truth, because when you do, it changes your life. It changed my life, and it's changing the lives of people that I train and I mentor and I've helped disciple, and they're changing other people's lives around the world. And it's very, very simple. You don't need a college degree for you. You don't need a theology degree for it.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (36:35)
You need your Bible. You need to be a radical, you know, you know, passionate, devoted, follow of Christ you know, willing to surrender your life to him and pursue it. That's all it's gonna take you, and it's gonna take you time. Okay? So the spirit of the Lord demonstrates success and victory in every area. Okay? Zachary chapter four, verse six. So he said to me, this is the word of the Lord to zabel, not by might, not by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord. Now, let's read the same verse in the living Bible. It says, then he said, this is God's message to Zabel, not by might, not by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord Almighty. You see, who says that the Lord, Yahweh God who reveals himself, the Lord of host other translations will say, or the Lord Almighty, okay, is the same.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (37:45)
He says, it is by my spirit. In other words, it is by the spirit of the Lord Almighty, the spirit of the Lord of host, that he's going to bring about, what is he gonna do? This is what he says. Let me continue. And he says, you will succeed because of my spirit, though you are few and weak. Remember the story of Gideon? He said he was the least, he was weak, he was a nobody. I can't do it. He had all these excuses, you know, lined up. And God said, no, you will, and you can. And the spirit of the Lord closed himself with Gideon, and I became a powerful commanding chief. He says the same thing to Zabel, okay? He says, Hey, Zabel, I know you have a big con a a little congregation. You are, you are few and you are weak. You know, he was a priest. And I said, but you are going to do what I've called you to do, and you are gonna accomplish it. It's not by might, it's not by the canning cleverness of man. It's not by your striving or struggling, but by my spirit. Okay? I remember several years ago, you know I was in the office I wasn't even trying to pray, you know, just kind of meditating on some things. And, and I began to hear the spirit of the Lord say, Andrew, success is by the Spirit.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (39:08)
I said, okay, come again. And he says, success is by my spirit. And I'm like, okay, okay. Holy Spirit, teach me more. And he began to unravel, unpack this idea of success, success according to hi, you know, his standard, his ideas, his definition, his lifestyle, you know? And he said, it is by my spirit. So for you to be successful in what I'm calling you, in what I want you to be, to become and to do it is going to be by my spirit. And so it reinforced what I knew already about the Holy Spirit. And then he began to show me how to tap into his success from the way I thought success was. And let me tell you, and maybe you are watching, you are listening, you a minister, you know, at some point I was caught up, you know, and ministry had become an idol, you know, to where, you know I want don't get me wrong, I want, you know, to see multitudes upon multitudes, but I could not shift when God called me as a missionary, you know, to America and to the west, you know, from Africa.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (40:24)
I could not shift from what I had done from Africa to what he wanted me to do here. You see, when I started in af in Africa, I was looking for success, success, you know, into, to seeing people saved and people delivered. And, and that was, that was the first, what, 25 years of my ministry. But then when after the revival broke, and you know, most of you have heard the story, if not there, go back and listen to, you know, preparing the way messages. I share my testimony there of the revival movement that I was a part of. And after that, you know, the whole nationwide wide revival breaking out and the transformation, you know, happening in the, in, in our country of Uganda, the Holy Spirit said, Andrew, your mission here is done. I'm sending you to the nations, but now going to the nations, it was a different mandate than what I, I had there.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (41:14)
You see? Now he was calling me to take everything that I had learned and begin to teach you, you see, to begin to equip, to reproduce myself, to impart and mentor and train others, you know, so that they don't struggle like I did. You know? So that, you know, I become a resource, you know, in equipping and raising up this army. It took me a while. I mean, I could not snap out of crusades, you know, and, you know, packed, you know, stadiums, you know, and, and I remember the Holy Spirit began to preach to me like I'm preaching to you. You know what success was according to him. You see, now, I know that success is being in the center of God's will. Not how many people I preach to see, not how many people got healed or saved. I mean, I love, I still want to see multitudes come to the Lord, you know?

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (42:06)
But my first priority is to stay in the center of God's will. And I know when I'm, I'm in the center of God's will, I'm successful. I did not arrive to that conclusion by myself. I had help along the way, and it was the spirit of the Lord. And when I yielded, and the spirit of the Lord began to unpack, and, you know, all these things, then he even increased his anointing on me to be able to mentor and teach and transfer the anointing and the mentor on me and on the ministry to others. You see, it is by the spirit of the Lord. So how do you engage him again, is simple communion, prayer, engaging him as the spirit of the Lord, asking him to anoint you for the ministry, asking you to guide you, to empower you for the success. Knowing the success that you think in the, in the way you think you're gonna have it to empower you for divine success according to your calling, to your destiny, to the will of God.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (43:12)
And he's gonna bring you into perfect alignment. And I found out that the things I was trying to hold onto that was part of the old wine skin. God was not working that way anymore. Now, I still go to crusades, you know, every once in a while, you know, and God still moves in miracle, sins and wonders. But you know, we were in Romania in short period of time. We saw revival breaking out. Why? Because that is where I need to be doing, taking the anointing and what I know and imparting it to pastors and leaders, and encouraging them and equipping believers to, to work in the power of God. That's where God is working. And each time you know, he gives you an opportunity and allow himself, my goodness, we see such an incredible outpouring. And these men and we that come to these meetings, they go back and, you know, take the anointing to their churches, to their communities.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (44:07)
All of a sudden, I hear moves of God are happening after just that one encounter in our services. Why? Because the spirit of the Lord has anointed me for that. Who knows what's next season will come, but don't get stuck. You know, in the season you are in trying to hold on when God is trying to lead into something else, yield to the spirit of the Lord. Let him give you success. Amen. Dear friend, I believe God has been working in your heart, and I wanna pray for you right now. I just, you know, feel a special anointing, I I, to, to pray that the spirit of the Lord will ignite hunger, will empower you for the destiny that you, you are called to walk into right now. In the name of Jesus. I applaud the blood of Jesus on every heart, every mind, every ear, every life of every listener, and every viewer right now in the name of Jesus.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (45:12)
And I release the demonstration of the spirit of the Lord in their lives, spirit, soul, body, conscious, subconscious to the atmo, to manifest tangibly, visibly, experientially in every aspect of your life, to anoint them, recalibrate them, to rearrange them, realign them, awaken them, and ignite them for the destiny that God has for them. Spirit of the Lord, release your power right now upon each one for healing, for those that need healing, for those that need deliverance, for those that need breakthrough and victory, for those that need peace and joy and recovery. Right now, in the name of Jesus, we release the mighty work of the spirit of the Lord in your life. We bind, break, render powerless, every spirit of doubt and unbelief, informity, sickness and disease. We bind you, we break you, and we render you powerless. In the name of Jesus, by the blood of Jesus, we cast you out, send you into the obese, and lock you with a judgment key of Christ Jesus, never to return and release the full manifestation of the spirit of the Lord in your life.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (46:24)
To bring freedom and healing and deliverance, hope and faith and fire and passion, yet again in your life, in an all new way, in Jesus mad name. Amen. Dear friend, you have watching and you are listening. You don't have this relationship we're talking about to enjoy really what it means to be really impacted and anointed and moved and, and, and really having the spirit of the Lord work in your life. Well, you can today. Would you pray this prayer with me? Believe it. Pray from the heart. Believe what you say and say what you, you mean, Lord Jesus. I want you and need you into my life. Come into my heart, be my Lord, and be my savior today. I confess that I am yours. I turn over my sins to you, and I take your holiness and righteousness that you give to me, free of charge through your shed blood.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (47:25)
Oh Jesus, I love you. Fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may do your will from this day going forward. Amen. Dear friend, you have said that prayer, as simple as it was, Jesus has come into your life. You are what the Bible calls a Christian or born again. Now, get into a spirit filled church so you can grow in the really the work of the Spirit and in the love for Jesus. And write to me, we'll have to send you links to resources we have put together online to help you in your growth and your work with the Lord Jesus Christ. We love you, and we invite you, dear listener Dear viewer, we thank you for being part of our community here and invite you to support our ministry. You know, you can give $3, $5, $10, it doesn't matter. Each amount, you know, makes a difference, helps us to continue producing these messages and putting them on all kinds of platforms around the world for people to access and be equipped.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (48:28)
And you can be a part of that revival movement that we are igniting around the world. So would you go to our website, kingdom Impact Ministry dot or rg slash donate and make a donation there? And for any donation of any amount, I will, I will send you a free copy of Catch and Release, God's Supernatural as a thank you for supporting us, and would love to hear for your support. Means, means a lot to us, and, and, and shows us that you believe in what you're doing and you are praying for us. Trust me, where you know, people's money go, also goes their prayers. So I thank you, and again, I encourage you get catch and release God's Supernatural. So you can continue to go alongside with me here as we finish this series. Next week we're gonna talk about the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and the spirit of Christ.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (49:21)
And then I'm gonna walk you through the keys to that I teach about in this book. So make sure you have a copy so you can follow along with me, and you can get that from our website on Amazon. Anyplace books are sold. Go to kingdom impact for slash God Supernatural. Again, this book is part of the School of the Anointing. You wanna go deeper. There's a six week online course. As a matter of fact, you can, I have had some people that have took the course in a week, some even a few days, or you can take as you know, as long as you want or go through it as fast as you need. But I give you everything you know, the slides, the notes, the transcriptions everything there you for you to go deeper. It's called the School of of the Anointing Online Course.

Andrew Nkoyoyo: (50:08)
You can go join on our website, kingdom Impact Ministry dot org slash yes. And again I encourage you again to go subscribe to our podcast. We are on iTunes, Spotify, or any other places. You know, when you can't watch, you know, you can't listen. So go subscribe and follow and leave the review share with us what this ministry means and what is it doing into your life, and I will love to hear your stories, and I'm sure it'll help other people to know how this podcast and is helping you and how it can help them. And as a thank you, we'll send you a free gift that is a digital book of working the works of God as a free really our thank you for taking the time to leave your review. Again, I thank you. I, i love you and I'm praying for you. And join me again as we continue on talking about the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ and the spirit of Christ. May God bless you. I love you and I'm praying for you. Amen.

Working The Works of God book promo: (51:53)
As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands. And with him, you can access your inheritance In his newest book, working The Works of God, Dr. Andrew teaches us how through the glory of God and his anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today to become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner or so a financial seat. Call us toll free one eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3, or log onto

How to watch on TV, Contact & Partnership : (52:34)
Watch Andrew on the Kingdom. Come broadcast 24 7 and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple tv, Amazon Fire tv, and Android tv. To stream on the go, get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App Store today. To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll free. One eight five five four one voice. That's 1 8 5 5 4 1 8 6 4 2 3, or visit us You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, PO Box 2 0 7 3 Montrose, Colorado, 8 1 4 0 2. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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