Embracing the Ministry of the Holy Spirit

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Unlock Divine Power and Serve with Unstoppable Impact!
Join Andrew for an enlightening journey in "Embracing the Ministry of the Holy Spirit." Discover how the Holy Spirit liberates us from legalism, empowers us with divine strength, and equips us to shine with God's glory. Learn practical steps to harness your unique spiritual gifts, foster a lifestyle of worship, and serve others with compassion and unity. Listen now and let the Holy Spirit propel you into a life of power, purpose, and extraordinary impact!

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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Experience, breakthrough, aw, awaken divine power and serve with unstoppable impact. Hi everyone and welcome to Kingdom. Come with me, andrew Clay. Today's message is embracing the ministry of the Holy Spirit. So if you want to live the life that makes a difference, you want to live the life that Christ paid for you, you need to know the Holy Spirit and you need to embrace His ministry for you and then through you. So today, this is what I'm going to be able to show you how can you begin to embrace this ministry of the Holy Spirit. You know, if you are new to the ministry of the Holy Spirit, I've done a whole series that you can watch on our Kingdom Impact Network, on our website podcasts. I've got a ton of content on the Holy Spirit, but right now we want to focus on embracing his ministry Okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So if we are going to be the people that Christ says, that we are nation changers, we are revivalists, we are transformers and reformers, we have to embrace the ministry of the Spirit. Okay, reformers, we have to embrace the ministry of the spirit. Okay, and our really our key scripture is 2nd Corinthians, chapter 3, verse 6 okay, because number one we are ministers of the spirit, liberated by the new covenant. Okay, I'm just gonna give you these points and elaborate on them to show you who you are as a believer. Now, when the bible says we are ministers of the spirit, I mean Paul was talking about him and really, in general, the body of Christ, the for the class here, the followers of Jesus we are ministers of the spirit, we are those who serve, basically Because many people when they hear the word minister, they think of a pulpit minister. No, it means those who serve Christ, those who serve God. Regardless of what you do and how you do it, you are a minister of the Spirit. So we are ministers of the Spirit, liberated by the new covenant. Again, 2 Corinthians 3, verse 6. And you show that you are letters from Christ, delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. He says, verse 4, such is the confidence that we have, through Christ, towards God, knowing that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient to be ministers of the new covenant. Okay, not of the letter but of the spirit, for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life. Okay, verse 7. Okay, verse 7.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters of stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end, will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory? For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation, the ministry of righteousness must far surpass or exceed it in glory. Dear friend, this is who we are as a New Testament church, new Testament followers. You see the Old Testament again. This is the problem. In the Old Testament, they adhered to the law, which brought condemnation and death, leaving us bound by rules and regulations. And many people are still living there, the legalistic lifestyle of the law. But we are not under the law, because Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets. Okay, now so the law? You know, the law condemned us. It revealed our shortcomings without providing a solution. Okay, so it was. It brought condemnation and it brought death, because if you could not fulfill the law, you're dead.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, and so that's why Paul draws this parallel. He says hey, the law was glorious for that time and even as limited as it were, the glory of God was revealed through the law. Okay, to the point that they could not look at the glory of God was revealed through the law. Okay, to the point that they could not look at the face of Moses because the glory of God was was upon him. And then he says but how much more us? Because now, what I want to point out to you, you are minister of the spirit and you are supposed to live in the spirit, move in the spirit, walk in the spirit, operate in the spirit and the fullness of the spirit you don't have to have, by the way, what I'm talking about. I'm not talking about special giftings, I'm not talking about special anointing. I'm talking about the holy spirit. You see, in living in you. During the old covenant, the holy spirit will come for a certain purpose, upon the prophet, upon a leader, a judge, a king, whoever at that time, to perform a certain duty. And that was it.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now we are at the temple of the Holy Spirit. He's not coming for a season, he's not coming for a day, he's not coming for an hour. That's why I hear people in the church come Holy Spirit, no, he's not coming. He's not coming for a day, he's not coming for an hour. Okay, that's why I hear people in the church come Holy Spirit, no, he's not coming. He's already here. Okay, he's not coming from heaven. You see, we have these unscriptural, unbiblical theology let me put it that way that even songs come Holy Spirit, I need you. No, the Holy Spirit is here. Okay, he's not coming. He's not making a trip from heaven. Okay, he's in you, with you, upon you. That's what Jesus said. That's the truth that I believe. Okay, so the law was limited because the Holy Spirit was not given out to everyone. Okay now. That's why Paul said now, under the new covenant, he has made it sufficient.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The other translations say competent. In other words, what you need is to know the Holy Spirit, because if you're not competent, he's gonna help you to become competent. Okay, if I'm not competent, he's gonna help me, he's gonna empower me, because now, under the, the covenant, the Holy Spirit, who is everything, by the way, that's why who is everything that I need? Jesus says he's going to be to you what I've been to you and much more, because he's not limited when I'm here.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

When Jesus was on earth, you know, dealing with the disciples, he was limited to that particular location for that time, because he was in the flesh. The Holy Spirit spirit, you know, came on the day of pentecost to whoever, upon the ecclesia, the new testament church, and now he lives in us. Okay, so the ministry of the spirit is the ministry of the new covenant. What as? What did jesus do in the new covenant? Well, he has torn the veil. There's no more separation. We have access, not through a judge, not through a special person, not through a special priest or a special mediator. Our mediator is through Christ. We have access to God through the blood of Jesus, through the finished work of the cross. So now we are not limited. Through the blood of Jesus, through the finished work of the cross.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so now we are not limited. That's why he says you know, in this new covenant, as ministers of the Spirit, we have access, because the Holy Spirit now is not coming for a season. He lives in us, he lives with us and he's upon us. And the upon part is the anointing. His power, his divine empowerment, his divine ability for us to live and to perform the work and live out the lifestyle of the new covenant is in us 24-7. You see, dear friend, we have to embrace this, we have to believe it, otherwise we're going to miss out. Okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So he says that right now we don't need to be limited by rules and regulations. Okay, here is the solution to our problem. You know, through christ we are liberated into a new covenant of the spirit, free from the burdens of legalism. We have been delivered. Okay. So if you have been living under this bondage and you are stressed out, you are frustrated and you live under the law, legalism and condemnation, rules and regulations and you can't measure up Because you are living under the old covenant, but under the new covenant, dear friend, you have access and the transformation is we are transformed from mere rule followers To ambassadors of the spirit, empowered to bring life and freedom To all that we encounter.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

This is the transformation. This is the result Of being ministers of the spirit. You see, you are a minister of the transformation. This is the result of being ministers of the Spirit. You see, you are a minister of the Spirit and you have everything that you need, through the Holy Spirit, to be what God says you can be. Okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So what is the application on that? We have to practice grace and compassion in our interaction with others, reflecting the mercy and the love of Christ. Rather than enforcing rigid rules and regulations, we first need to accept the grace, the mercy, the love that Christ has poured on us, okay, and free ourselves from the rigid rules and regulations. You know, because now we can begin to live out the freedom that is in Christ through his finished work. We are no longer slaves, we are no longer servants. The Bible says we are friends of God, we are sons and daughters. You see our position Now this position.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Let me make a quick distinction here. There's a distinction between your function and your position. Your position in God's house has nothing to do with what you do for him. Okay, me as a minister, when I approach God, I don't approach him as under my title, unless I'm under that function, I'm carrying a mandate. Then I can approach him on the basis of my function. But in God's house I approach him on the basis that I'm his friend, I'm his son, and same applies to you. But you've got to shift your mind from the old covenant to the new covenant. Okay, you're not a slave, you're a son. Okay, you're not a stranger, you're a friend. Okay. And so that frees you to embrace the ministry of the Spirit. Because the ministry of the Spirit, because the ministry of the spirit is inclusive of the new covenant and everything that is in the new covenant that is healing, that is deliverance, that is power, that is anointing, the gifts of the holy spirit, everything that is in the new covenant package is all yours, okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

That's why paul says he has made us sufficient. Oh, dear friend, how I live for joy when I see that he has actually made us sufficient. So then the question is God, show us how to access and tap into this sufficiency, because he says he has made us. It's not that something is going to happen, it's not that he's going to make us. Paul says he has made us sufficient, ministers of the new covenant, of healing, of deliverance, of the prophetic, of hope, of love, of joy, of encouragement, whatever it is. You are sufficient because who is in you is sufficient and he makes you sufficient. You see, who is in you is sufficient and he makes you sufficient. You see. So, their friend, that releases you from this old mindset of I have to win god's favor. Favor, no, you don't, you already have it.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Point number two is the glorious ministry of the spirit, second cor Corinthians 3, verse 8. He goes on to say that will not the ministry of the Spirit have even more glory, see the glory of the Old Testament. And this is the problem this understanding solves when we receive it. The glory of the Old Covenant pales in comparison to the transformative power of the Spirit under the new covenant, leaving us longing for something greater. See, the old covenant always left them longing. They could not be enough, they were not good enough, they were not holy enough, they were not righteous enough. You see, there was always something lacking, because it was a covenant of condemnation that brought death. It was about rules and regulations and statutes and rituals, and if you fail to do that, you're dead.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, now here is the solution that Christ brought us in the new covenant, the ministry of the Spirit surpasses the glory of the old covenant, bringing us transformation, liberation and the manifest presence of God. That's what the new covenant does. We can experience the manifest presence. You see, under the old covenant remember the tabernacle of meeting. You know the glory will come, but then it will leave and then, basically, it's just for a season, because it was temporary, it was just a picture, it was a shadow and it was glorious. But then, through Christ, we have access, we have fullness. So the new covenant is about fullness. And here is what this does for us. When we embrace the transformation that's going to happen to you and I is as ministers of the spirit, we carry within us the radiance of God's glory shining brightly in a world darkened by sin and despair. We begin to manifest this glorious presence, and it's not even us manifesting, it's the glorious presence himself, the Holy Spirit, who is manifesting this glory. But we have to embrace his ministry. You see, we have to hunger and we have to welcome and we have to activate his ministry, we have to engage with his ministry. You see, dear friend, this is where the church is kind of got stuck, is we talk the talk but we're not walking the walk.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And I thought I remember when I first started out as a Christian over 37 years ago. I was longing to see the God of the Bible. I was longing to see the power and the move of God. And you know what God led me to? He led me to the Holy Spirit, he led me to the Holy Spirit. And then my quest was how do I get to know this Holy Spirit and how do I get to plug into everything that I read in the Bible? It was great. Like many, you're watching. Maybe you're watching and listening and you're like, yeah, brother, yeah, I felt the same thing. It is great, but how do I access it?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Well, I'm on a mission to teach you, through this broadcast and podcast, everything that God has showed me. The first thing he showed me was it was not by might, it was by power, but it was by the Holy Spirit. It was not by might, not by my power, but it was by the Holy Spirit. So then he began to show me how to engage with the Holy Spirit. The first ever study I ever did was the study of the Holy Spirit and the anointing from Genesis to Revelation, maybe even Mark to the back of the Bible. I studied it, wondering how do I connect with this Holy Spirit, and then I found that actually it wasn't that hard to begin with, but I needed to believe everything that God says about the Holy Spirit, and then I needed to develop a friendship, a relationship with Him. I had a relationship with the Father, I had a relationship with Jesus, but I didn't know that I could have an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. And when I did, everything began to change. And that's what I labor to teach you in this broadcast and the broadcast coming ahead, and in my new book Beyond Ordinary.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

How do we experience this, the transformation? How do we become ministers of the Spirit? The radiant is glory. We've got to learn how to engage. You want to radiate, have this transformation radiate? You've got to be able to engage the Holy Spirit, know who he is and what he does. I know we know the general to engage the Holy Spirit, know who he is and what he does. I know we know the general work of the Holy Spirit. But then there is the operational work of the Holy Spirit. It is right there and it was there. It was so simple and, dear friend, that's how I got anointed and that's how I moved in the gifts of the Spirit and I'm going to show you. I mean, it's no secret, it's right there in the Bible.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

But I learned that I needed to shift from the Old Testament mentality to embrace the ministry of the Spirit and really go deep with the holy spirit, because if I'm gonna know everything that he has, then he. I need to make him my best friend. He can't be a stranger. He can't be somebody I engage with when I go to church. Okay, he can't be somebody I engage with through somebody else. I have access, okay. That's why the by you's why Paul says we are sufficient, he has made us sufficient of the new covenant, because now we have access.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So how do we begin to apply this? We cultivate a lifestyle of worship, of prayer, inviting the presence of God to permeate our lives and ministries, radiating the glory of God To those around us. See, there is an action. We begin. See, this is what I did, dear friend. I began to spend time, I began to invite the Holy Spirit, I began to engage with him, because there is a debate right now, there is a question that people want Can we pray to the Holy Spirit? I'll show you the right way that, at least I've seen. I think we don't pray to the Holy Spirit as we know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Prayer okay, but we engage with the Holy Spirit as a partner, because the Bible says that the fellowship of the Holy Spirit is with you. So if that fellowship is with us, he's a partner. Partners, we share resources. So if I'm going to share resources with him, he's going to share his resources with me because we are partners. His fellowship, his partnership, his comradeship, his communion, the koinonia, is with us. The Bible says His communion, the koinonia, is with us. The Bible says Right. So then that gives us this foundation of fellowship, of partnership.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Then we need to shift from you know, because I'll show you, there are some prayers that won't get answered because God has already answered them. And there are some prayers when we are crying out to God, when we need to partner with the Holy Spirit, you know, for the manifestation, when we need to partner with the Holy Spirit, for the manifestation, when we need to partner with the Holy Spirit to show us where to go, instead of crying out to God, he says I'll send you a comforter, instead of crying out to God for comfort, we have a comforter. I'm telling you, I don't know, but this was like boom, it's like the lights came on and I said, wow, I have an ever-present comforter, I have an ever-present guide, teacher. You see, dear friend, the Holy Spirit can bring you into everything that God has for you, that God has for you. Number three when we embrace the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we've become empowered witnesses, fulfilling the Great Commission, acts 1.8. But you'll receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you'll be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, samaria, to the ends of the earth. Who gives you the power? Say it with me when the holy spirit comes upon you. Okay, and I'm gonna show you different operational names of the holy spirit as it functions to give you power, and one of them is the spirit of the lord. Okay, it's not on your screen, but in luke, chapter 4, verse 18, all the way through 21, we see jesus how he was anointed. He said the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me. You see, this is how I got anointed. This is how you can get anointed. Simple, you need to learn to engage with the spirit of the lord to heal the broken hearted, set the captives free, preach the goodness to the poor, you know, declare the acceptable year of the Lord, set free and liberty those that are bruised. Who does that? The Spirit of the Lord anointed Jesus. He can do the same for you. You see, it's all rocket science. There's no mystery. There's nothing spooky about this. There's nothing, you know, weird. It's just that I'm telling you we just have to learn to engage, but first we have to embrace who he is and his ministry. Okay, oh, I'm excited for you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So maybe you're feeling this pain problem. You may feel inadequate, fearful in fulfilling the Great Commission, unsure of how to effectively spread the gospel. You have a calling, you have a destiny, whatever it is that God has put on your heart. Many people that I have encountered and I've been there myself I had that same dilemma I don't have what it takes, I'm not adequate, I'm fearful, I don't have the right gifts, I don't have the right faith, I don't have the right experiences. Lord, you have chosen the wrong person. And God said no, no, no, no, no. I have given you the Holy Spirit. See, the solution is through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are equipped with boldness, wisdom and supernatural abilities to be witnesses of Christ. Okay, not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord. He said the Lord said it is by my Spirit.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so when you feel like you don't have what it takes, you are in good company and you are candid. For the Holy Spirit to do something with you, so embrace it, embrace everything about you. And for the Holy Spirit to do something with you, so embrace it, embrace everything about you and embrace the Holy Spirit, and he's going to bring you into his environment, into his position into his work, his destiny, and I'm telling you, he's going to transform your life upside down for the glory of God. So here is the transformation we begin to step out in faith, knowing that the same Spirit who empowered the early church or disciples is alive and active within us today, enabling us to boldly proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. And that's what happened to me at age 15. And it can happen to you if you embrace it.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I was searching, but I was open. I was hungry and desperate. I said God, I don't care how you do it. You flip me upside down. I don't care how you do it, I just want your fullness, I want you. I'm not coming into a religion, I'm coming into a relationship, I'm coming into kingdom reality. That's what I want, what I read in the Bible, and you know what God began to release it. But we gotta embrace it and then invite your partner, the Holy Spirit, along the way. Oh, I'm gonna take you on a journey, I'm gonna show you these.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You see, sometimes we think the enemy is the problem. No, it's just that we have tools we haven't picked up Right and the enemy is making backflips because it's like they don't know how dangerous they are, they don't know the equipment they have, they don't know how powerful they are. It's like one satan has told me in Nairobi, kenya. It's like you don't know the power of the name and the power of the blood. If you did, you know this whole, you know the world will be transformed upside down. But many Christians, you don't know who you are.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I was like preach brother. This is somebody I just delivered, you know, and led to the Lord, and he's telling me, telling me, if you knew the power of the blood, the power of the name of Jesus, you'll be changing. That's one assignment that the devil has against the church. He'll keep us having the kumbaya, the spiritual picnic services and all the good stuff we do Spaghetti dinners all night, pizza nights and whatever. All that is good. But I'm telling you, unless you can get into the power of God, you are not tapping into the full reality of what you can be. And the devil doesn't care if you go to church from Monday to Sunday or whatever, unless you can become who God says you are, you are not a danger to him. You're not. I just want to be honest with you. You're not.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

But this Christianity, this relationship we have, the ministry that we have, the life we have is a life of power, unstoppable power, unshakable power to bring transformation, to bring healing and deliverance, to speak the word of God into impossible situations, into lives, into families, into communities where the devil is ruling and reigning. We have the power, you have the power, amen, okay. So what's the application here? We have to engage in intentional evangelism and outreach, seizing opportunities to share the love of Christ with those around us, trusting in the Holy Spirit to open hearts and minds to receive the message of Christ.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now, when I say intentional evangelism and outreach, people think of preachers on a platform, somewhere in the street, square or in a stadium. No, I'm talking about your daily interaction. Your daily interaction. Yes, the other day I was out there, you know, at, I think I was at Home Depot, and they ended up prophesying because the opportunity is there and the Holy Spirit said hello. So you prophesy. You know what I mean. This is what I'm talking about Because, as you're being alert to the Holy Spirit, he's going to give you opportunities. You see, we have to be intentional, but you see, we have to shift, knowing that we are ministers of the Spirit. We are not all preachers. We are not all going to be preachers Because if, like somebody said, if we are all preachers, who's going to be the congregation? But we are all ministers, we are all servants of the living God. In the context of ministering the good news, the power of God, whether through a word of encouragement, whether through a simple prophetic word, in a word of knowledge, knowledge that will bring healing, offering a prayer, we just have to be intentional and the Holy Spirit is going to open doors. Not all of us are going to be in a stadium somewhere preaching to tens of thousands, but what I'm talking about here, how we activate this, is we just look for opportunities and the Holy Spirit is going to give us opportunities to share that love.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, number four Serving in the new way of the Spirit Romans 7.6. But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we may serve in the new way of the Spirit, not in the old way of the written word or the written letter, the written code. So again, at the beginning we talked about how the letter kills us. The Spirit gives life. The letter means the law, because it pointed out all our faults but not really providing a solution. The new covenant does not only point out that you are a sinner, but it gives you the solution the salvation through Jesus Christ. Okay, and so here we are, serving in the new way of the spirit.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, so the problem? The bondage of the law, stifles our ability to serve God authentically, leaving us feeling constrained and burdened. Okay, because we are not adequate. The solution is in Christ. We are released from the bondage of the law and called to serve in a new way of the Spirit characterized by intimacy, sensitivity, love, grace and mercy. See, this is what the new covenant, being ministers of the Spirit, and what transformation is going to happen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We yield to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide our thoughts, words and actions as we serve others in his name, experiencing freedom and joy in our service. You see, you have to enjoy what you do, you have to enjoy this service. This becomes just doing everything out of a duty and I know we have a duty to share the gospel, you know, out of obligation, then that's not sustainable. Just to come from within, from the Holy Spirit, birthing this love and releasing this love through you to touch those that Christ died for and the application is here is we have to cultivate a lifestyle of obedience and surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to direct our steps and guide us in serving others in humility and love. See, this is how we embrace the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Okay, we need to learn to yield, to surrender. Okay, we need to cultivate a lifestyle, not a one-time experience, not a one-time event. Need to cultivate a lifestyle, Not a one time experience, not a one time event, it's a lifestyle. And then we can expect to see Transformation in our own lives and those around us.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And five we are equipped for ministry, embracing our callings Ephesians 4. 11 to 12. Okay, for he has given. 11 to 12. Okay, for he has given some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. And you can read all the way to 12. And here, this is what you know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The problem that we overcome is we may struggle to recognize and embrace our God-given gifts, feeling ill-equipped for the ministry. So this is the problem that many of us have we struggle to recognize and embrace our God-given gifts because we feel we are ill-equipped. But the solution is in Christ Jesus. He has given to his church gifts for the equipping of the saints, empowering each member to fulfill their unique calling. So you have a gift, okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now here he talks about the five, what they call the five-fold ministry, or, yeah, the five-fold ministry. But there are all kinds of other gifts for ministry, but there are all kinds of other gifts. As a matter of fact, as you count, you probably come up close to 25 different gifts that are mentioned all throughout Scripture. So if you don't fall under those five, don't say, oh no, I'm not mentioned, I don't have one of those. No, maybe your gift is giving. Maybe your gift is administration. Maybe your gift is giving, maybe your gift is administration, maybe your gift is mercy service. You see, there are many gifts and those gifts are powerful when you embrace the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit breathe on those gifts and operate those gifts with you and through you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, and the solution we talked about the solution, the transformation is we recognize and embrace our gifts and through you. Okay, and the solution we talked about the solution, the transformation is we recognize and embrace our gifts, we become effective ministers of God's grace, essential for the advancement of God's kingdom. You see, this is what happens when we embrace our gift. And the application here is we need to seek out opportunities to use our spiritual gifts and talents in service to others, faithfully stewarding the resources and the abilities that God has entrusted to us for the building up of the body of Christ. You see, we need to allow, seek those opportunities, ask God for those opportunities to use our gift. You see, and as you mature Gifts also, you know, god may Take you from one gift To another gift and he keeps on adding on To those gifts as you mature, as he matures you In the process.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, I know I have functions In different gifts At different times. You know, to the point I was. Well, people ask me what is your gift and I'm like, well, I don't really know, but these are the ones I tend to function in because, as you yield to the Holy Spirit, remember, the manifestation is of the Spirit. Okay, if you want to see gifts operating, you have to allow the manifestation of the Spirit, which means you have to embrace the Holy Spirit Himself so that he can manifest those gifts. And, last but not least, again, unity in diversity. The manifestation is of the Spirit.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

1 Corinthians, 12, verse 4 through 7, but I'm just going to read this one verse Now. There are varieties of gifts by the same Spirit. There are varieties of service by the same Lord, meaning Jesus, the one who gives spirit. There are varieties of service, but the same Lord, meaning Jesus, the one who gives. And there are varieties of activities, but he's the same God who operates, who empowers them all in everyone. So there are varieties of gifts, there are varieties of service and there are varieties of operations. And we see here, in this actually verse, we see the Trinity, how the Trinity operates. But that's another message altogether and actually I've talked about that in the series on the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You can go back when you're done here and go back and listen and watch that. And so here, when we embrace the manifestations of the Spirit for us now, listen to this. You are designed. Your personality is not a mistake. God designed you that way and there are gifts that go with your personality, perfectly Okay, there are gifts that go with your personality.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So our differences this is the problem that we have most of the time. You know that our differences and diversity within the body of Christ may lead to division and discord, but it shouldn't, because our differences show that we have different gifts. Okay, so then, what is the solution? The Spirit distributes diverse gifts and services, uniting us in our shared purpose and mission. You see, so we don't have any conflict because we know. You know what you don't. You may not have my gift and I don't have your gift, so we need each other. But you see, when we embrace our differences, actually we become powerful and then we become this diamond, really body of christ, because now we, we are not trying all to become one gift.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Yeah, I know the Bible says, you know, desire spiritual gifts. But also, you have to ask the Holy Spirit what are the gifts that you have given? What gifts do you desire to release through me, or what gifts are you releasing through me in this time in my life or my ministry, in this time in my life or my ministry? And you find that the gifts that you are desiring are not necessarily the gifts that actually he wants you to pursue and he wants to cultivate through you. You see, because I'm telling you your personality, your makeup, your design. They are gifts that make up your calling, that will help you to fulfill your calling. Okay, it's like they are part of you, they are freely given.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, and so the transformation is we begin to celebrate the unique contributions of each member, recognizing that we are united in our diversity by the spirit who dwells within us, working together for the glory of God. Now we begin to celebrate our diversity. See, as you embrace the ministry of the Spirit right in your life and in your community, in your church, you're going to find that there are different people, different personalities, and those people some may irritate youate you, some may not, but I'm telling you, if you really see through the eyes of the spirit, you'll find that those people have gifts that you need, and when we begin to celebrate their gift instead of you know how, you know the awkwardness or whatever, then we, we actually we might end up going somewhere, because now, instead of focusing on our differences or the things we don't have in common, on how we can really work together, we begin to celebrate each other and each other's personalities and gifts, and makeup and design, and then we become this mighty army that God can use to transform a nation, transform a community, transform a city. So that's something for you to think about as we finish up this message that actually look in your community, look in your circles. They are of influence. They are people with different gifts, different personalities, but I'm telling you this because I know that God has given us different gifts that will attach to our callings and really work with our personalities.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Some people are trying to be something they are, not Just be yourself. If you're a type A personality, you're a type A personality and guess what? God has a plan for you and he has a gift, and he has gifts that will make your calling and your destiny, your purpose, fulfilled with your personality. Now, there may be that there are some things you need to work on, but who doesn't, right? So God has a gift for all of us, and so that's what I'm sharing. What I'm trying to pull out to you is that actually, there is unity in our diversity. You begin to see each other through the eyes of the Spirit, how God sees us, okay, and I believe we are able to do that when we embrace the ministry of the Spirit, and then he's going to show us the different giftings that he has given us. Right, I know I'll finish with this.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I know back home in Uganda, you know our ministry. I know we did a lot of good stuff Vandalism, church planting, setting captives, free mass deliverances and healings, seeing people. But behind our ministry there are people that probably people most people don't need didn't even know their names. And without those people playing their role in the ministry, you know, and for me I show up and I preach we will not have that impact we had, because I'm not good with administration. I'm not good with administration, I'm not good with organization, but I am good tuning in the spirit. That's how I'm wired.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I try, and so God brought people who are good at organizing me and the ministry Right, and all the things we did would not be as effective and powerful and successful as we did without those people, and so they lived out their gift. That's why I testify. I testify as a testimony to them before the throne of God, every soul that ever got one in the kingdom. They won it. They were behind the scenes before and during and after. Nobody knows their name, but God knows.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I was the spokesperson on the platform, but God knows each and every individual that played a part, whether it was the sound, the cameraman, the one who organized the traffic, the one who organized the food and the outreach, the distribution of clothes and organizing the crusade grounds. God knows all those people. There won't be the multitudes that everybody saw in the end without those people. See, all those are different giftings in operations and God has anointed those people with an anointing that I didn't have, but together, you know, I enriched their lives and they enriched mine, and I continue to celebrate those people you know up to this day. I mean, they know who they are, but I'm just telling you, you know, I mean I celebrate God and I celebrate those people and their gifting, and the same in this ministry, we have people that you don't see in front of this camera, but they make this ministry go. They pray, they fast, they give, they work behind the scenes. You see, these are different gifts.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, dear friend, our diversity is what makes us powerful, because of the uniqueness of our giftings, of our design and of our makeup. So, celebrate the people in your life, celebrate the people in your community, embrace them, bless them, even those you don't understand, awkward personalities, just bless them and then you're going to see what God is going to do with them. Okay, what is the application here? Let us embrace and honor the diversity within the body of Christ, valuing each other, each member, as an essential part of the whole and working together in unity to fulfill God's purpose on earth. Amen. Fulfill God's purpose on earth Amen. So, as we conclude, let us embrace wholeheartedly the ministry of the Spirit. May we allow His transformative power to work within us, empowering us to serve Him with boldness, compassion and unity. As ministers of the Spirit, let us shine brightly as beacons of hope, agents of change In a world longing for the love of Christ Jesus. Amen.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, you don't have a relationship with Jesus. I want to invite you today To make Him your Lord and Father, to become the minister of the Spirit that really God desires you to be. You can say this simple prayer with me, jesus I confess that I am a sinner, I have fallen short of the glory of God, but I know and I believe that you died in my name and in my place. Wash me with your blood, write my name in the book of life. I confess with my mouth that you are the son of God and that God raised you from the dead. And I believe that with all my heart, jesus, I turn over my life to be my Lord and I say from this moment going forth, they'll move your Holy Spirit. Dear friend, you have said that prayer. Jesus has come into your life. The Bible calls you a Christian.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Get plugged plugged into a Bible-believing, spirit-filled community and get discipled. And go on our website, come to our ministry. We have resources, free resources, to equip you for the ministry of the Spirit, for the life of the Spirit, to become the person full of power that God wants you to be. Again, I want to invite you to look on your screen. There's my new book that is coming out Beyond Ordinary Experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. You know I've been talking to people.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

People have asked me about how do I grow in the power of God? How do I receive this? Asked me about how do I grow in the power of God, how do I receive this power and how do I grow in the work of the Holy Spirit Not only power, but the full work of the Holy Spirit. Grow in the gifts of the Spirit, in holiness, in righteousness, in all the things that we fight. How do I overcome these strongholds and habits and sins? I'm going to show you, so you can pre-order and I'll be happy to sign it for you and send it to you and go to the School of the Anointing.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I teach about you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I teach about the anointing the Holy Spirit, how to work in it, so you can join for a donation to our ministry and be part of that and then go, get, catch and release God's supernatural. Again, I show you how to go from where you are to working in God's supernatural. My goal and our mission is to equip you to be the revivalist, the transformer, the reformer, to be the agent of change and transformation where you are your place of work, where you work, where you live, where you are your place of work, where you work, where you live, where you play For the kingdom of God, for God wants to transform the kingdoms of this world Into the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ. Again, you can watch, you can like our podcast. We are on YouTube and we are streaming on connected TV platforms. Go join us Kingdom Impact Network on Roku, amazon, fire TV, apple TV, fire TV, android TV and online on our website, kingdomimpactministryorg. Come join us. We'd love to hear your story. We love you and we believe the best is yet to come.

About Working The Works of God Book:

Thank you as a believer. The keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or so a financial seed. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE, that's 1-855-418-6423, or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.

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Watch Andrew on the Kingdom Come broadcast 24-7 online at kingdomimpactministryorg and on our Kingdom Impact Ministry TV channels available on Roku, apple TV, amazon Fire TV and Android TV To stream on the go. Get the Kingdom Impact Ministry mobile app for Apple and Android devices from the App Store today. To receive prayer order resources or to become a partner with Kingdom Impact Ministry, call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE that's 1-855-418-6423 or visit us online at kingdomimpactministryorg. You can also write to us at Kingdom Impact Ministry, po Box 2073, montrose, colorado, 81402. This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

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