Reclaiming What the Enemy Stole: Spiritual Warfare and Restoration in Christ's Victory

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo

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Has the enemy stolen your peace, health, or destiny? Life’s battles can be overwhelming, but here’s the truth: You don’t fight for victory; you fight from victory. Jesus has already triumphed over every power, including Abaddon and Apollyon.

In this episode, we explore Proverbs 6:31: "If he is caught, he must pay sevenfold." Discover how to claim divine restoration, present your case in the courts of heaven, and receive God’s verdict.

We’ll equip you with practical steps to enforce Christ’s victory in every area of your life. Whether facing spiritual attacks, delays, or struggles, this message is your lifeline. Don’t miss the chance to reclaim what the enemy has stolen. Get prophetic encouragement and unlock God’s promise of sevenfold restoration. Your breakthrough is closer than you think!

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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Have you ever felt like the enemy has robbed you of your peace, your health, your finances or even your destiny? Hello, dear friend, andrew Nkoy, here with Kingdom Come. Today I've entitled the message Unlocking Heaven's Verdict in Spiritual Warfare. Unlocking Heaven's Verdict in Spiritual Warfare how to Claim your Sevenfold Restoration and Enforce Christ's Victory over Apollyon or Abaddon in your Life. You know, several weeks ago we did a message on defeating Apollyon or Abaddon. He's the thief, as the Bible really calls it, as Jesus described it in John 10. So I encourage you, if you haven't watched, after you watch this message, go back and watch the other message and then come back to this and it's all going to make sense, because this is a follow-up of that message. And in this message I'm going to walk you through the keys on how you recover, how do you recover and reclaim and receive that sevenfold restoration and how do we enforce the victory. And also I have a prophetic word here that God gave me alongside this message that I'm gonna make available for you as a PDF, just underneath this video, wherever you're watching it, that you can download it. If you're watching on our connected tv, you can go to our website, kingdom impact ministry dot org and download it. Along alongside this message there will be a pdf, as a matter of fact, even my notes. I'll give them to you as a p PDF so you can go over it and download it. Amen. So this is the key.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The key scripture here is Proverbs 6, 31. It talks about men. Do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger, but if he's caught he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. Now let me give you a little context here. Historically, in the Jewish culture, if somebody stole, for whatever reason, something that didn't belong to them, they would be required to pay sevenfold. And this was not a spiritual thing, this was literal. They will have to pay sevenfold of whatever they store.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Now, spiritually, you know, we can take this and begin to apply it spiritually, because we know the Bible talks about restoration, as I'm gonna show you here. And the Bible talks about restoration, as I'm going to show you here. And the Bible talks about the thief. Okay, now John 10, 10,. You know Jesus says the thief cometh to steal, kill and destroy. But I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly, and I have defined who that thief is you know you need, if you're going to defeat the enemy, you need to know who the enemy is and you need to give him a name, okay, so that name of that thief that Jesus talks about. His name is about Apollyon, so I've done that whole message on how to defeat him.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So now we want to talk about, spiritually speaking, we have a thief who steals our health, our finances, our destiny, our peace, our joy. You can fill in the blanks whatever, it is okay. So how do you claim this promise when it's when the enemy you know, uh, like about napoleon has taken? You know so much from you. What's the big idea? Okay, the big idea here is you don't fight for victory, you fight from a place of victory. I want you to put that in your spirit.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, the victory is already secured by jesus, which brings us to another key scripture. You know, as we lay the foundation for what we are going to unpack, colossians, chapter 2, verse 15, declares Jesus having disarmed the powers and authorities, including Apollyon, he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. So this has been my question to God and to the Holy Spirit how come I struggle to break through in some areas, when the price was paid, when the victory was won. Okay, sometimes we fight battles that we don't need to fight and sometimes we fight battles and we don't see the breakthrough or the victory because we are fighting in a wrong way or using the wrong weapons.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So what I wanted to do is because some people say, ask me, you know, after the previous message, okay, if the enemy is defeated, so then how do we take back?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know, what is this sevenfold? What does that look like? So I went and did research and I found some of the pressing questions that Christians like you that are watching or listening to this podcast that have asked Okay, so I'm going to labor, you know, to present you with some key strategies here, principles on what you can do, what I'm doing, what I'm really doing to press in. So in this broadcast, we'll uncover how to enforce that victory. We'll explore a unique spiritual strategy presenting your case in the courts of heaven to reclaim what the enemy has stolen and receive divine verdict of restoration. Also, we will also delve into the power of the word, the spirit and the blood as your weapon in this battle. Okay, so this message is for you if you have been battling in spiritual warfare and wondering why your breakthrough hasn't come. Okay, and then, like I said, we are going to address your deepest questions, provide clear answers and guide you through practical steps to experience God's promised restoration.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:


Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Let's dive right in. Number one enforcing Christ's victory. Let's begin with what Christ has done. The question is how do I enforce Christ's victory in my life? Have you asked yourself that question? How do I, if Christ has won the victory, how do I enforce it? You know, and you hear Sunday morning. You know enforce the victory. You have the victory, but how do we do that? Okay, so the solution is this Simple Okay, know your spiritual authority. That's number one. You have to know your spiritual authority. That's number one. You have to know your spiritual authority and how you do that.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You use scriptures effectively, persist in prayer with the backing of the word, the spirit and the blood. Again, you know, in 1 John, chapter 5, chapter 5, verse 7 and 8, it says there are three witnesses. There are three witnesses even as we're talking about going into the courts of heaven. There are three witnesses in heaven the Father, son, holy Spirit. And there are three witnesses on earth the Spirit, the water and the blood. And the Bible says they agree as one. So if you're going to see the work of the Spirit, you know you need to bring the three witnesses. The other is the Word. You need to, you know, be able to use the Word, the blood and the Spirit. Okay, this is very key because you know the victory has been won.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Colossians 2.15, I'm reading it from the ESV declares that Jesus discerned the powers and authorities triumphing over them by the cross. So your role is to enforce this victory through your daily life, supported by the word, the spirit and the blood. And the practical step is here is know your authority. Jesus has given you the authority over the enemy Luke 10, 19. Behold, I have given you the authority over the enemy Luke 10, 19. Behold, I have given you authority. That authority, actually. Really. The true translation is it says he has delegated his authority, not just authority, he has delegated it to you. He doesn't need it, but you do, I do. And Jesus says I have delegated my authority to you to tread on serpents and scorpions, which are symbolic of demons. Serpents and scorpions, you know, symbolic of demonic powers, okay, and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you, you see. So you have to know the authority that you have to the authority, okay, to tread on serpents and scorpions. So that is the practical step, okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And you use scripture such as Matthew 4, you know, from verse 1 all the way to 11. Okay, because the word, the spirit, answers the blood. Okay, and then the blood comes in agreement with the word. In other words, the word works where the spirit is honored through the blood. Does that make sense? So where you, as you approach, as you are, uh, going after the victory, you have access through the blood. You see, all the weapons of our warfare, they work on the basis of the blood. Without the blood, there's no remission of sin. Without blood, we have no access. You know so. That's why the Bible tells us that the spirit, the water and the blood, they work together. Okay, so that is, you know, the water and the blood they work together. Okay, so that is, you know the practical application.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And then you have to pray persistently. Ephesians 6.18, he says again, encourages us to pray at all times in the spirit. See, sometimes, when we are praying and we are enforcing, you know, we pray in our understanding. But paul says I'll pray in my understanding, but also I'll pray in the spirit. Because when you pray in the spirit, it's no longer just you praying in your language or english, or whatever language you speak, but then you, the spirit takes over, and then the spirit begins to pray for you. He begins to pray with you and he begins to pray through you. So that's why paul says pray with all prayer, at all times, in the spirit, with all prayer and supplication to that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. So that is, in enforcing the victory. That's what we do.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Paul says in Romans 8, 28,. We do not know, as we 26,. We do not know how to pray, as we are, you see. But that's why he has given us this prayer language, which most of us don't use enough. Because when you pray, when you're pressing it, you're fighting spiritual battles, spiritual enemies. Okay, your language, your English or Lugando, whatever language you speak, you know you are limited. But then, when you yield your spirit to the Spirit of God, he takes over and he knows how to enforce, he knows what to pray, he knows what to pray, he knows what to release in you, he knows what decree you need to make. He knows maybe you're supposed to declare and decree, maybe you're supposed to dance, maybe you're supposed to release, maybe you're supposed to bind and loose. He knows, but you have to allow Him to bring you into that realm, into that act of receiving. Okay. So, dear friend, I can't emphasize enough about this prayer in the spirit. Okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So the application is how to use your authority. Speak boldly against the enemy's attacks, using the authority given to you by Jesus. Declare the word of God. Declare Luke 10-19. You know, I have declare it over yourself and declare it so that the enemy knows that you know the authority you have. Sometimes you need to declare and decree so that he knows that you know, okay, that he knows that you know, okay, that he knows that you know your authority, your position, what you have.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Point number two Recognizing and overcoming spiritual attacks. Okay, the question is how do I recognize and overcome spiritual attacks? The solution is to how do I recognize and overcome spiritual attacks? The solution is to develop spiritual discernment and take action using biblical authority Again, the word, the spirit and the blood. You have to have discernment. What is discernment? Simply put, discernment is seeing in the world of spirits. It could be the bad spirits or the good spirits. It could be seeing what the enemy is up to or it could be seeing what God is up to. Either way, you and I need discernment. We need discernment Because sometimes we keep yelling in the air and we are binding and breaking on demons, when we actually, if we had the discernment, god is saying this is the key. You know just what?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

A few weeks ago, I had this physical attack on me. That said, I was dizzy, I had pain, I had headaches that were Won't go away I mean I that were constant, they won't go away. I mean I rebuked, I prayed with all prayer. This thing wasn't breaking. And then I stopped and I said Holy Spirit, show me what's going on. You know what he said. He said, andrew, you have an ear infection. It had not occurred to me. He diagnosed me and I said, okay, lord. I began to lay hands on myself and he said call the doctor and get a prescription. And in my thing I'm saying, lord, but what? You just healed me right now.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Guess what, when I called the doctor, you know, two days later, I went in. You know, the infection had kind of gone into my glands and everywhere. That's why I was having those persistent headaches, right so. So I took the antibiotic. It began to clear. But guess what, in that whole process, you know, with the antibiotic, the infection cleared, but I was left with a residue of vertigo, this dizziness. You know that won't go away. I'm dizzy, I'm like as if I'm drunk, okay, and we are at the grocery store, I'm waiting, as if I'm drunk, okay, and we are at the grocery store waiting. My wife went into the store and I'm sitting in the car waiting, you know, and almost is as if the car is moving and I'm like, okay, holy Spirit, what's going on, what is causing this? And you know what the Holy Spirit said it is vertigo, vertigo. Rebuke it now, shanda, right there in the parking lot I laid hands on myself. Rebuke your. Vertigo. Left me Hasn't been bad.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You see how we fight spiritual warfare. Sometimes we bind and break spirits of infirmity when we need is discernment. Because when you know discernment, discernment is going to, god's going to give you the discernment, the understanding of the enemy and what to do. That's really what discernment, okay, that's what god leads us to see or hear. You know either what he's doing or what the enemy is doing. You know, uh, by the time my wife came back, I was just doing deliverance and healing on myself in the car.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know, all of a sudden you know I was, my energy was restored. It's like because God was giving me discernment at that moment where the problem was where the enemy had attacked and where he was hiding, and I kicked him out by the Spirit, the water, the blood. I applied the blood of Jesus over myself and I released the power of the word of God that is within me. I release it over myself and I could feel the power of God going through me like in waves, kind of like trembling in the car, and within minutes I was totally, totally free. So this is what we are talking about, dear friend.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

This is how we think it could be a bigger spiritual battle. It could be a smaller, it doesn't matter, because I'm telling you, here was this little vertigo keeping me from ministry, keeping me from really enjoying life, because I'm tipsy, I'm busy, I'm drowsy, and the Holy Spirit said no, he knew what the problem was. So this is we have to have that discernment. We have to understand that our struggle is not only merely physical but also spiritual. But sometimes, you know, it's like he said I was like Lord, why don't you hear me? He said, no, go take an abayare. I don't know why, but I didn't say who am I?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

He started questioning when he told me go take antibiotic. I took antibiotic, but then he revealed the vertigo and how to get rid of it and then I was completely free. So let us not be legalistic, because God can use medicine or he can just touch you right there. However he uses, but the point I'm making is you need discernment, we need discernment. That's how we have to recognize the spiritual attack. So for we do not know Ephesians 6.12, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against rulers, against authorities, against cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. So we have to recognize the attacks. We must ask God for wisdom and discernment, ask. Sometimes we pray and we don't receive because we are interceding when we are supposed to just ask for discernment and then be able to apply the authority based on revelation, knowledge of what the enemy is doing or what God wants to release in our life. Amen. So not everything.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I hear people say intercede for that person. Yeah, intercession is good. No-transcript, unless somebody you know. Like the Bible say you know somebody, you know he's taken ill and you're repenting for their sin and whatever and really pleading for God's forgiveness. But if you have a sick person right there, what you need is your spiritual antennas to be, you know, pulled so you have reception from the Holy Spirit to what to do right there. Okay, you don't need to be crying, you need to be taking authority. That's why Jesus says I've given you the authority to trample and tread on something. Those are verbs, that is action, trample and tread. You see, not interceding, not crying, cast out, lay hands, rebuke. That's how you see results. Okay, so the action is again is 1st John, 5, 7, 8. For there are three that testify the Spirit, the water and the blood, and the three agree as one. So use these three powerful elements in spiritual warfare. This is powerful the spirit, the water and the blood. Resist the enemy by standing on God's word, evoking the guidance and the power of the Holy Spirit, pleading the blood of Jesus over your situation, always pleading the blood of Jesus. The devil cannot touch anything standing with the blood. Where the blood of Jesus is brought in, he begins to flee. He begins to flee, amen. So what's the application?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

How to discern Again, engage daily, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the true source of your challenges. Pay attention to whether these issues align with God's promises or contradict them. That's how you're going to discern what God is saying to you. But you need to ask, pay attention. Is this in contrary with God's word and God's promises or not? Okay, seek discernment. I can't emphasize enough and I teach you know, I teach all this in my book how to Hear God's Voice. Dear friend, it is crucial to hear God's voice. It's crucial, I teach you, he who joins himself with the Lord becomes one spirit. I teach you, I can't emphasize how much you need this marriage of your spirit with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God clothes himself with your spirit, your soul and your body. Okay, the Spirit is not coming from heaven. He's already in you. He's not a wind and breath.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:


Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Those are characteristics of his nature, but he's a person. So when you allow him to clothe himself with you, he begins to express his discernment. I mean, it doesn't matter whether you're in a parking lot or a grocery store. You can hear God's voice like that, because you have been sharpening your powers of discernment, your powers of perception, by practice, by asking, by listening, by inquiring. That's why I believe god says you know, david was a man after god's own heart. You know why? Because you know, really, david was a master inquirer. He asked god about each and everything. Should I pursue, should I overtake? You see, he was always seeking discernment, seeking perception, seeking to know God's heart. What is God on God's mind? And I'm telling you the same way it doesn't matter what you're going through, god knows where you are and what battles you are fighting and he can bring you out. But sometimes we get caught up In trying to fight our own battles and we say, yeah, I'm trusting God, but I'm telling you, jesus has won the victory and he has given us access. We have this person called the Holy Spirit, who is there to help us In this war, amen. So again, let's continue.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

How to act? How do you discern? Again, use specific scriptures to encounter the enemy's lies. Pray in the spirit, declare protection of the blood of Jesus over your life. For example, declare 2 Timothy 1.7. For God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of self-control. Revelation 12, verse 11,. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives, even unto death. You see, and then you personalize those scriptures and you begin to enter and take what the enemy has stolen from you Through the blood of Jesus. You begin to access, access, restore, recover. And this is how we do it, dear friend. This is how we do it. Number three another way we can recover what the enemy is to receive that verdict from heaven.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Presenting our case in the courts of heaven. And there's been books written about the courts of heaven so you can go on amazon, go wherever brother henderson does a great job on on this area, but I'm just going to give it to you here in a few minutes. How can I present my case in the courts of heaven? You say, okay, you engage in spiritual legal petitioning to secure divine justice and restoration. So if you have been pressing and pushing forward and you're saying, wow, the breakthrough is not coming. You know you could use this strategy.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

God threw again into the courts of heaven, through the blood of Jesus, the spiritual legal grounds. The Bible portrays God as a judge and his throne as a courtroom. In Daniel 7, 9 to 10. It says I looked and thrones were placed and the ancient of days took his seat. The courts sat in judgment and the books were opened.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

When facing persistent spiritual battles or delays, present your case before God in the courts of heaven. You could again, as part of your discernment, you could ask Holy Spirit, is there anything? What is hindering? What is causing the delay? What is causing you know what is the resistance? And if you feel that there's accusation and sabotage, then go into the courts of heaven. So how do you do that? You acknowledge God's righteousness. Begin by recognizing God as the righteous judge Repent.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Confess any sin that the enemy might be using as a legal grounds against you, because the enemy has really no authority over us except the one we consider him, and one of the ways we do that is through sin, when we open doors, whether it's bitterness and forgiveness, you know, uh, and we? We begin to have this little cracks that it begins to come in. So repent again, use the blood of Jesus, bathe and wash and shower, pickle yourself in the blood of Jesus. This is how much the blood of Jesus I'm telling you. I live by the blood, I live in the blood, I live on the blood. The blood of Jesus. We sing about it, but there is power, unlimited power. So use the blood. Speak of the blood. I live on the blood. The blood of Jesus. We sing about it, but there is power, unlimited power. So use the blood. Speak of the blood of Jesus.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The Bible says that it speaks better word than the blood of Abel. It speaks in Hebrews 12, 24. Okay, the blood of Jesus is going to be a witness in heaven. As you present your case before the courts of heaven, remember there are three witnesses. Okay, now the blood. Remember the blood that was sprinkled seven times on the mercy seat. Bear as witness for what Christ has finished with his blood.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So if the enemy is trying to bring anything against you, go to the courts of heaven, present what the word, the promises of what God has said about you, and then present another witness the blood of Jesus. Through the blood of Jesus, you secure your verdict. And you know what. You already have the verdict, because Christ has paid the price. Again, we are talking about enforcing the victory. This is how we do it, okay, and then you present your case Clearly, state the areas where the enemy has stolen from you and ask God's justice and restoration.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, and then five receive the verdict. How do you do that? By faith, receive God's verdict of restoration and victory. Isaiah 54, verse 17. No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage, this is our inheritance, of the servants of the Lord and their vindication. Now listen to this. The vindication, the judgment of me, declares the Lord who vindicates God Yahweh, remember he's Yahweh Nisi, jehovah Nisi the Lord, your victory, your banner. He vindicates you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So, as you present your case in the courts of heaven, know the anointing of God. Somebody is getting delivered right now In the name of Jesus. There is a vindication that is coming. Your inheritance that was stolen from you as a child, god is restoring you right now, in the name of Jesus. Somebody's property is being restored, restored back to you. Your inheritance that was stolen from you as a child is being restored In Jesus' name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

God says the vindication is offered. Okay, and we're going to talk about how God does this. Who does this sevenfold restoration? He says, as you present, he's going to vindicate you. So the application how you present your case in prayer, approaching God as your judge, use scriptures that affirm his justice and your position in Christ. Present your petitions for restoration, asking for a divine verdict in your favor. You already have it. But if there is an accusation of the enemy, go into the courts of heaven and ask for God to release. And he says every weapon is going to be defeated and every tongue of accusation in the courts of heaven is going to be condemned. And then he says the vindication, the manifestation of that verdict is of God. You see, as you come in agreement with him, the manifestation of that verdict is of God. So how do you receive the verdict?

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

After praying, trust that God has ruled in your favor, working in faith, expecting his restoration to manifest. Okay, don't wallow, continue to wallow in, know that after you're presented and you have the assurance in your heart, and if you don't have yet the assurance, keep pressing and ask the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit in that whole process, if there's anything, and he's going to help you. Somebody is being your story, released from self-condemnation. You thought that it is your fault. You thought that you're not good enough, you thought that God didn't love you, you thought that God doesn't care. But I'm here to tell you that God sees you, god hears you, god knows where you are and he says my vindication, the vindication is of you Present your case and receive my verdict. I'm restoring the years that the enemy, the locust Upon you, that I have stolen from you your health, your happiness. You have lost your job. Somebody is struggling with insomnia. You haven't slept. In the name of Jesus, I release the anointing and we pray the spirit of heaviness, depression and anxiety. In Jesus name, release the peace of God. Release, define release, restoration in Jesus' name, okay.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Number four restoring what the enemy has stolen. So how do we? That's another question. How can I restore what the enemy has stolen? The solution is identify those losses, okay, declare God's promises and take faith-filled actions. What are those things that the enemy stole? Identify them and begin to take those faith-filled actions. Identify the losses. Start by identifying the areas where you feel the enemy has stolen from you, be it peace or health or relationship. Bring these specific losses before God in prayer. Okay, claim God's restoration.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

This is what God says in Joel, chapter 2, verse 25. We're talking about enforcing Christ's victory, the sevenfold restoration. This is what God says that I'll restore to you the years the swarming locust has eaten. Remember when we talked about Abaddon in the previous episode? We talked about Abaddon controls the locust. The locust swarms as they're described in the book of Joel. He controls, they come to destroy.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

And God gave this word to Israel and said I'll restore. You see, the devil steals, but it's God who restores. I want you to get this. God says I'll restore to you the years, whatever it is. Okay, you name it and bring it before God, because God says now I'm going to restore those the peace, the joy, the health, all the things that the enemy has taken from you the grasshopper, the destroyer, the joy, the health. All the things that the enemy has taken from you the grasshopper, the destroyer, the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. He allowed, really, because they are turned for the whole context. If you go back in the book of Joel, chapter 1 and 2, read the whole thing, you get the whole context when they are turned away and removed his hand. You know Apollyon had a few of them, the locusts, grasshoppers. You know they came and destroyed everything.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Okay, that's why it's crucial for us to make sure that we release all sin, unconfessed sin, hidden sin, all that. We give them to God and we come and we live in the blood, okay, and say and then we can bring this list of the things that the enemy has stolen from us Could be your community, could be your country. We can begin to say speak God's word, because God says I'll restore, speak life and restoration into every area under the attack by declaring God's word. Again, you know Proverbs, chapter 18, verse 21. How to identify those losses reflect on your life's current challenges and ask God to reveal any area where the enemy has caused loss. Write these downs and bring them before God in prayer. Just look around, like right now I'm going back and looking at the last three years. What has been God saying and what hasn't come to pass from what God has revealed and said, and so I begin to reflect and write those things down. Then I can begin to bring them before God to praise Him for the fulfillment of God's promises, but also to see where has the enemy been stealing. So you need to know what God is doing, how to declare restoration. Find scriptures that speak of restoration, of God's restoration. Speak them aloud over yourself.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

For those of you that have been watching me and listening or reading my books, I used to speak words over myself. I mean, I didn't even own a bicycle and I began to declare that I'm going to the nations. I began to speak what God was saying. I began to declare over myself, I began to prophesy over myself by faith, that I'm going to go to the nations and I'm going to fill stadiums and the lame are going to walk and people are going to be healed and I'm going to set the captives free. I'm going to believe the book of Acts, reality. And guess what? The more I said those things over myself, the more I believed it and the more it began to manifest. And each said those things over myself, the more I believed it and the more it began to manifest, and each of those things that I declared. Now the problem is I don't declare enough. Maybe you don't declare good things over yourself enough. So I encourage you, go for it. Speak restoration, speak over yourself. Let me tell you, nobody can pray for you better than you speak over yourself. Let me tell you, nobody can pray for you better than you, nobody can prophesy over yourself better than you, nobody can hear God for yourself better than you. That's why I'm on a mission to really equip the body of Christ, to raise up a prophetic generation that hears God, that sees God, that can move in the gifts of God and the power of God.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Number five understanding delays in breakthrough. That's another area that we struggle with in spiritual warfare. Why am I not seeing breakthrough, despite my prayers and faith? Here's the solution Recognize spiritual resistance and persist in faith and prayer. You have to have again we talked about this earlier when you know there are delays, sometimes there are spiritual hindrances. Understanding delays, spiritual warfare. In spiritual work we can have delays to our breakthrough.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Example is in Daniel, chapter 10, verse 12 to 13. You see, then he said to me fear not, daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humble yourself before God, your words have been heard and I have come because of your words. Maybe there is the prince of Mantras in the ring. You know, this is the things I'm praying about. You know, wherever you are, there is a prince, the prince of the air, of that region, of that town, of that village or whatever you know. So we have to understand.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

We have to, again, with discernment, we have to know that. You know some, it could be that you know God is delaying the answer and when it's God, you have the affirmation, you have the assurance in your heart. But again, sometimes, when you know it's a spiritual resistance and God is encouraging you to press in, then there's a different thing. That's what happened to Daniel. He said to seek the Lord, but for 21 days, the prince of Pasha, there was spiritual resistance, the spiritual resistance. So we need to discern is this God's, not God's timing, or is it a spiritual resistance? Is this a spiritual delay? So we need to have that discernment to be able to distinguish is it God's prolonged you know saying prolonged process, or it's not God's time, or is this just a demonic resistance blocking me from having the manifestation of the desired? You know promise. So that helps, because then, as we do that, because then delay doesn't mean denial, like somebody said. So this doesn't mean that God hasn't heard you. It means persistence is key. You know, in case of when he said demonic, it's spiritual resistance, then the persistence is key Faith and perseverance.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Matthew 7, 7 teaches us to keep asking, keep knocking and keep seeking the amplified say Ask and keep asking. Knock and keep knocking, ask, seek and keep seeking the Amplified says Ask and keep asking. Knock and keep knocking, ask, seek and keep seeking. Okay. Have you heard the acronym of push? Pray until something happens. Okay, you push until you break through.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know, one of my mentors, dr Maurice Hillel, used to say you know God will take you, you know, one step at a time and each step is going to be a miracle. Okay, so you need to pierce the darkness. You need to pierce. Okay, you need to have that perseverance to. You know, to keep pressing it until you pierce the darkness. And sometimes things take weeks, months, sometimes some things take years, but with God we have the breakthrough. So the application how to persist Set up a regular prayer routine where you continually bring your requests before God. Keep a journal of your prayers and how God responds, which strengthens your faith during delays. Keep a journal of your prayers and how God responds, which strengthens your faith during delays. Keep a journal what has God? You know what has been fulfilled and what hasn't. What has God said as you pray?



Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Again, like my testimony I just gave you, as you know, as I'm seeking God for my healing, you know, as I'm there having this vertigo, and I'm there, I'm having this vertigo, and he said no, it is the vertigo, Cast it out of your ears, your glands, out of your inner ear. That's what the Holy Spirit said. It's affected your inner ear. So I rebuked that spirit of infirmity manifesting in vertigo out of my inner ear. Boom, instant. It was the manifestation. But sometimes it's not instant. But it doesn't mean that God hasn't answered. But the key is we have to know how to persevere in faith. Okay, so how to strengthen your faith, surround yourself with faith, building scriptures, recite and meditate on them daily, like hebrews 11 1. Now, faith is the assurance of things hopeful, the convictions of things, not not sin. You know, you begin to declare that faith, that faith is now you and you begin to receive the truth of what God says about that. Okay, let's move on to the point number six. Again, another people have asked what's the role of confession, repentance and forgiveness. So the question is what role does confession, repentance and forgiveness play in spiritual victory? And the solution is they clear spiritual blockages that hinder God's restoration and power. Confession, repentance, forgiveness clears the way. The only thing that the devil uses against us is our sin. And then he makes us conscious of our sin and all of a sudden we lose the confidence that we have in God because we messed up and the devil makes sure that you know that you messed up and then he's holding your feet to the fire. But when we confess our sin, he's just to forgive and set us free from all the iniquities and the things that came with that sin. So that's why bathing in the blood, confessing our sin, should be part of our everyday life.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I like the story of the public in the Bible where he said have mercy on me, a sinner. And in the Bible where he said have mercy on me, a sinner. And there was the Pharisee bragging about how many times he prays and how many times he fasts. And this man was on his knees before beating his chest and said have mercy on me, a sinner. And Jesus said who do you think? Went home and sang. This one humbled himself and cried out for God's mercy because he knew he wasn't good enough. He wasn't all that. So he said, lord, have mercy on me. And you see, dear friend, mercy has everything to do with the inside of your heart. Grace is empowering, mercy is transforming. It's cleansing. Cleansing is purifying. So when he was saying have mercy on me, a sinner, he was like I give you my sin and I receive you. This is I cannot do it.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Clearing the path and confess sin and unforgiveness can block your breakthrough. James 5, 16 tells us therefore, confess your sins, even to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous person has great power as it is working. You know some. Maybe you need to confess your sin to one another. Maybe you need to forgive somebody, maybe you need to go release your holding bitterness or anger or whatever.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

It is that hinders, you know that hinders, that blocks the flow. Remember, I want you to remember this the Holy Spirit is in you and anytime we're allowing sin into our hearts, it's like blocks, it's like ties his hands. He wants to express himself, but because of all the things that we have that we are holding on, the Bible calls him the works of the flesh. They h to express himself, but because of all the things that we have that we are holding on, the Bible calls him the works of the flesh. They hinder his movement, because the opposite of the works of the flesh is the fruit of the Spirit. Okay, and how we get rid of the works of the flesh? Simple Confess them and give them back to Jesus, and then the Holy Spirit continues the work of producing the fruit in our hearts. Okay, so make it a habit to just be able to confess your sin, forgive, release from you, know, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, whatever it is.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Ask the Holy Spirit, search me, unknown me, and see if there is any iniquity, any unforgiveness, anything that is offensive to you, that is hindering you from being and working in me, with me and through me, the way you desire. Remember, we are His temple, but he doesn't want to be restricted in this temple. He wants to be able to own the temple. He wants to be able to own the temple, he wants to be the Lord of the temple, he wants part of it. He just doesn't want your heart. He wants your mind, he wants your soul, he wants your feet, your body and everything. Okay, remember, he touches with your hands, he speaks with your mouth, he sees with your eyes, he feels with your heart, he thinks with your mouth, he sees with your eyes. He feels with your heart, he thinks with your brain, he walks with your feet. See, I want you to have that. Somebody needed to hear that. See, when you know that the Holy Spirit clothes himself with you, dear friend, then you know that when you walk into the grocery store, the Holy Spirit is walking into the grocery store. You see, when you're walking into a situation, he's walking in with you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

You know, I've shared this testimony of a crusade I was going to do in South Africa and the witch doctor and the shrine in one of the townships and our tent was so big that he was going to cover the shrine, and so me and my interpreter and a few pastors went with me. But when I went to go confront the witch doctor who had the shrine there, to tell him we're going to tear down the shrine, burn everything, he had this little gourd of death with demon of death that was floating in the air and doing all kinds of stuff. Listen, friend, when you know the funny thing is when I walked into the shrine, all the snakes and all his voodoo stuff fell to the ground. I haven't said a word. I just walked into the shrine and everything died. So he runs, coming from the back room and runs to the front. What happened? What happened? Who killed my staff? And he is just a young man. But guess what? Pastors who were with me. I looked behind me. They were gone because they didn't know who they were and the Holy Spirit in them. They said we don't mess with that guy. That guy I mean he has demons and people have died and all kinds of stuff. I walked in there and all his powers were no more. Why? Because when I walked into that shrine the Holy Spirit walked in. You carry him with you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Long story short, I told him you know we're going to put a crusade here, a tent, and he yelled and screamed and he said I give you, you know he's a little demon of death In this good. You know. Now we are debating, kind of like Elijah and the prophets of Baal, whose God is going to win, because we're in a showdown. That wasn't my plan, but just how it turns out to be. We're in this showdown and he tells me if that good of death touches me, I'm going to fall to the ground and die. And I told him why. He gave me three minutes. So I gave him three minutes to get saved His good, came and touched me and whatever. That was the only thing that he had left. I guess he had the strongest demon he had. And he came and touched me and nothing, whatever. And when it was done, I called upon the name of Jesus. The thing fell to the ground. All the snakes have died. And he put out a big scream like what am I going to do? I've been doing this for 30 years.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I told him I know what you're going to do. I'm going to give you a new vocation. You're going to serve God. You're going to tell your testimony of how God has delivered you, how God's power is superior to any power. He's a minister, as a matter of fact. He burned everything and he began serving at the tent. Superior to any power, he's a minister, as a matter of fact. He burned everything and he began serving at the tent during the crusade. That's how quick God took him from a witch you know, witch doctor to a minister of the gospel, just because the Holy Spirit entered that room through this vessel. The Holy Spirit enters the room wherever you go. But you see, you have to be conscious of it Now. The other men of God, they were powerful men of God, big churches and big ministries, somehow, somewhere, they didn't really know what kind of the Holy Spirit they have. You see, that's why you know.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Daniel 10, 32 says you know, because you don't know who you are, you're going to die like man man. But he said, those who know their God will be strong and do great exploits. You want to do great exploits? You've got to know that God is in you, with you, upon you, whether you're sleeping, whether you're bathing, whether you're running, whether you're doing business, wherever you are, he is there. But when you're conscious of his presence and he's a power on your life, changes everything. I've seen it. I mean, I have stories, you know, in Baltimore, maryland, I'm coming out of the grocery store, a young lady comes running after me saying he wants to get saved because he sees Jesus with me. I turn around. I didn't see Jesus, but he saw Jesus. That's the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit reveals Jesus. I mean, I could go on and on and on.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

The point I'm making is, when you remove this sin, the Holy Spirit can express himself in ways you know. You don't need to be fasting and praying. Yes, fasting and praying I do it, it's helpful. But when you have sin in your life, it doesn't matter whether you're fasting or not, but when you remove all those little things, the Holy Spirit can express himself. He can be with you what he was with Jesus I've seen it on the streets, crusades, in hospitals, in prisons. He can be and I continue to pursue and I believe that the best is yet to come, okay, so let's move on.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So forgive, repent. How to confess and repent In your prayer time, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any unconfessed sins or unforgiveness, or bitterness or anger, whatever it is. Confess this openly to God and ask for his forgiveness. 1 John, 1, verse 9. How to forgive. If someone has wronged you, choose to forgive them. Pray for those who have hurt you, release any bitterness and trust that God to heal your heart and you can even maybe you need to go to that person and ask for them to forgive you and forgive them and release them from whatever judgment, whatever came with that unforgiveness, because every time you hold on to unforgiveness, there are other things that we hold on to. So make sure you forgive that person who has wronged you, who hurt you, and pray for them. Bless them. Okay, bless them. Give them to Jesus and let God let there be nothing in you and the Holy Spirit and let him produce fruit of the Spirit in you. He's bad. Okay, number seven.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

So how does God repay us sevenfold we talked about? Okay, it's God who is paying us, but how does he do it? The question how does the enemy pay us that sevenfold, as promised in Proverbs 6.31? Okay, the solution, the answer here is it is ultimately God who ensures that the restitution is made, and he does so in his perfect way. Okay, god as the restorer. Although the verse says that the thief must repay sevenfold, spiritually speaking, it is God who orchestrates this repayment. It's as if the enemy God you know goes into the enemy's camp and begins to recover everything. Okay, he works on our behalf to ensure complete restoration. He works on our behalf to ensure complete restoration. So don't try to do it and force it in your strength, in your human arm of strength, like again, we read it already in George 2, verse 25. He said I will restore whatever the swarming locusts, it's him. The enemy came, stole. He said I am going restore seven. Okay, so it is God who restores. So what you? You know, what you.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I don't want to repeat because we have really covered it. But you just want to go back to God's promise, god's integrity, because no weapon formed against you is going to prosper and any tongue that comes against you in judgment is going to condemn, because the vindication is of God, and that's your inheritance, that's our inheritance, okay. So in this process we just have to look to God. How the application? How to trust God for repayment, pray and trust that God will restore everything that was lost, according to His promise. Okay, declare your 225 over your life, claim it and receive it by faith, trusting that God's repayment will be more than enough. Okay. How to seek God's justice? Expect God to turn the enemy's plans against him and to bring about blessing in your life that are far greater than what was lost, amen. So, dear friend, this is how we do it. Again, we have to go back and trust God.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

In conclusion, you don't fight for victory. You fight for a place of victory, because Jesus has already won the war. Proverbs 6.31 assures us that when the thief is caught, he must repent sevenfold. Okay, stand firm, persevere in prayer and claim the restoration that God promises. Present your case before God in the courts of heaven. Enforce Christ's victory through the power of the word, the spirit and the, the blood, and watch as God restores everything that has been stolen back to you, amen. So pray with me, father. Thank you for the victory in Jesus. Give me discernment to recognize the enemy's schemes and strength to stand on your promises. I present my case before you in the courts of heaven and I claim your promises of sevenfold restoration In Jesus name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, if you don't have a relationship with God, the Bible says that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And so through Jesus Christ we can have that relationship, we can have that restoration and reconciliation back to God. And the Word of God tells us that if we confess our sin, he's just to forgive us Of all unrighteousness. So would you pray this prayer with me? Say, jesus, I confess my sin, that I have sinned against you, against God, and I make you to sin. I give you my sin and I take it Just like that. Wash me with your blood, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to live the life that brings glory. And I confess that you are the son of God. I confess that I am saved, born again. I am your friend. As simple as that prayer has been. The Bible calls you a Christian.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Go to our website. The information is on your screen kingdomimpactministryorg. We have resources to help you Series, articles, blogs, podcasts that you can delve into, to help you in your growth and love to celebrate with you. So write to us. We look forward to hearing from you. Dear friend, I thank you for watching and I encourage you again to come and partner with us. Help us to continue this ministry. Give a donation to this. Come and partner with us. Help us to continue this ministry. Give a donation to this ministry. Partner with us. Any donation, of any amount, will help us to continue preaching the gospel, bringing people to Christ, equipping them for the return of Christ Jesus. Again, the information is on your screen and we have the School of the anointing my books that will help you in your journey to living again.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

I am praying that God's power, somebody watching. Holy Spirit, just place your hands on your head. Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for this one watching and listening. Right now, I pickle them in the blood of Jesus and I release the power of the Spirit of the living God, the Spirit of the Lord, touch them, demolish infirmity, sickness and disease, depression, anxiety or bondage, captivity. Loose in Jesus' name and I release freedom, healing and health right now into your body. Rise up and walk in Jesus' name.

Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:

Dear friend, I just want you as we finish, I want you to just want you as we finish, I want you to just you receive this anointing, you receive this prayer. Do something you couldn't do before. Get up and try something. Get up and walk. Rise up I just keep hearing. Rise up, so somebody watching or listening. Rise up and God is touching your knees. God is giving strength to your bones so you can walk from that wheelchair or the crutches that you are holding. God is perfecting your healing right now. God is touching you In Jesus' name. Hallelujah, oh, the presence is so strong. Thank you, jesus. Thank you, jesus, hallelujah. Again, I have a message, a prophetic word that you can download to really continue to Digest and receive what God is saying In Jesus name. May God bless you.

Working The Works of God Book Spot:

I'll see you next time. Thank you as a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, Working the Works of God, Dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm, where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or sow a financial seed. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE that's 1-855-418-6423 or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.

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