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Yearning for a supernatural life? Discover the power of praying the Lord's Prayer and unlock divine healing, miraculous breakthroughs, and unshakable faith. On The Kingdom Come Podcast with Andrew Nkoyoyo, you’ll experience Spirit-led teachings designed to transform your life.
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Join Andrew Nkoyoyo, international minister, revivalist, and author, as he shares decades of wisdom on walking in the Spirit’s power. Each episode is packed with practical tools and biblical truths to help you experience miracles, spiritual awakening, and revival in your life.
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Restoring Your Spiritual Legacy: The Hidden Costs of Dishonoring God’s Name and the Path to Redemption
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🏆 "WARNING: That casual 'OMG' is just the tip of the iceberg. What you'll discover about how modern Christians profane God's name will transform your entire approach to faith.
Join Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo in this eye-opening episode of the 'Sacred and Profaned' Series as we expose the dangerous gap between Sunday worship and daily living.
In This Essential Episode:
- The #1 way Christians unknowingly dishonor God's name
- 5 shocking habits destroying your spiritual authority
- Ancient biblical warnings surprisingly relevant today
- Why casual Christianity is more dangerous than you think
- Practical steps for immediate transformation
🎯 Perfect For:
- Christians serious about spiritual growth
- Leaders wanting to set a godly example
- Anyone struggling with casual Christianity
🎧 Time: 45 minutes 📱 BONUS: Download pdf of Andrew's Notes with prayer
[Previous: "The Weight of His Name"] [Next: "Renewed by Reverence"]
🔥 Listen now to restore power to your witness and honor to His name.
#TakingGodsName #ChristianGrowth #BiblicalTruth #SpiritualAuthority #ChristianPodcast"
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This broadcast is a presentation of Kingdom Impact Ministry and is made possible by the grace of God, faithful prayers and gifts from partners and viewers like you so Hello, dear friend, and welcome to Kingdom, come with me.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Andrew Nkoyoyo, thank you for tuning in. We are so excited to bring this word from the Lord to you and we are excited about what God is doing in our time, in your heart, in your life. I believe that we are in the end times, and in these times God is looking for a people that are just red hot for him. But before we can enter into the fullness of all that God has, he wants us to be aligned with him. He wants us to be relevant to him and then to the world. And so God placed on my heart to do a series on his name. It's called Sacred and Profane, the urgent call to restore God's holy name, and last week, in the previous episode in this series, we talked about the weight of his name. That's the first episode in this series. We talked about the weight of his name. That's the first episode in this series. So if you haven't watched it, I encourage you go back, listen to it, watch it, because these messages build upon each other, because I want to take you on a journey to show you how you know we are profane. God's name, what is God's name? So we talked about the weight of his name, the unbearable holiness of God's name, and we defined God's name and we talked about how God's name really carries his reveals, his majesty and power and beauty and nature and character. All that, god, is Okay. And we went through scriptures like Proverbs 18, 10. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runs into it and they are safe. We talked about really, what God tells us about his name. In Exodus, 20, verse 7, he said you shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain. So we talked about this, the weight that God's name has, and I'm telling you I've been weeping before God because God really, you know, first revealed this to me in 2012. We were in Romania and he took me on a journey and he showed me why did he create heaven and the earth and everything in it is for two reasons for his name and for his glory, and so we need to come back to that reality.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Okay, so that was episode number one. Okay, so in this episode message I've called it tarnished legacy the cost of dishonoring God's name. There is a cost. Okay, so when we don't understand what God's name is, when we don't know what his name is, I mean, you go back to the first episode, because we really broke it down. You see, in the ancient Israel they would not even use his name because it's too holy. So they came up with the Adonai. They used Adonai for Lord, in fear of the repercussions, of the consequence. And yet, even having all that information, they fell away from honoring God's name. And there were consequences.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:And I'm going to show you, dear friend, now I want to preface this. You see, god's standard hasn't changed, even though we are in the modern times. His requirements hasn't changed. What he said in the Bible, in the word of God, hasn't changed. Okay, so how God's name has been dishonored in the ancient Israel Idolatry and false worship.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Ezekiel, chapter 20, verse 39. And as for you, o house of Israel, thus says the Lord, god who serve every one of you, his idols. Now and hereafter, if you will not listen to me, but my holy name, you shall no more profane with your gifts and your idols. You see, because they were doing all these things while they were worshiping idols, and they were bringing sacrifices, and they were bringing gifts in hoping that they would appease God, but what their life and their daily life and character wasn't in line with who God is. You see, remember, god's name is God's holiness, it's God's character, it's who God is. You see, the name of a person or a thing is the active presence. So when we say God, you know Yahweh, he said to Moses I am who I am. Okay, and that name was so holy that they couldn't even use it. Okay.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:So here, when the ancient Israel went into idolatry and false worship of other gods, but yes, butano, using his name, he rejected it. He said I'm not going to stand for that. And, dear friends, so that's one way they profaned God's name. They did what was contrary to his holiness, to his character, to his nature. It didn't matter what they were doing, the good things and the other things, because God is not going to take a mixture of the world and a little bit of God and a little bit of the world. It doesn't work. He rejected it. So that was one way. The other way is disobedience to God's law In Leviticus, verse 22, chapter 22, verse 31.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:So you shall keep my commandments and do them. I am the Lord and you shall not profane my holy name, that I may be sanctified among the peoples of Israel. I am the Lord who sanctifies you. Did you hear that? He said you shall obey the commandments we are told to. Even today, we are supposed to obey the commandments. When we don't obey the commandments, we profane God's name. He said that I am the Lord, your God. When you obey, you know, and you shall not profane my holy name, that I may be sanctified among the peoples of Israel. What does that mean? It means that when we obey God's commandment, okay, we glorify his name. His name is sanctified in the nations, among those who don't know him, you see. But when we don't follow, dear friend, just because we are in the 21st century, doesn't mean that God's standard has changed. And you see, that's the biggest lie the enemy has brought to the church, the biggest lie there is. So here God began to point out disobedience to God's law.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:The next one misuse of religious rituals. A son honors his father and a servant his master. If, then, I'm a father, where is my honor? And if I am a master, where is my fear? Says the Lord of hosts to you, o priests who despise my name. But you say that we have despised your name by offering polluted food upon my altar. That is in Malachi, chapter 1, verse 6 to 8. You see, they were bringing to the altar things that were polluted things, that were bad things. They didn't like, things that you know. It's like giving God the leftovers. But he says if I'm your father, you know, then I should have the honor, like a son, you know, gives honor to his father. If I am the master, then you should fear me. So again, you know, where are we? So, the Asian Israel, they lost the fear of the Lord and they were doing things just because it was a ritual, you know, and they were just offering things.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:And even today, I'm going to show you in the Monad and Times, you see, this is how you know they were profaning his name and God rejected it. And I'm going to show you the deadly consequences, you know, and they're even today, because God hasn't changed. He says I'm the Lord, your God, I change, not Right? So God's standard hasn't changed, even though we are, you know, different times, god's word and God's standard hasn't changed. And that's why I believe he's been speaking to me so heavily, you know, breaking my heart into tears, and he said son, my name and my son is being defiled in the church and in the world. Okay, so if we, you know, judgment begins in the household of God, if you know, we are going to see, you know, a reconciliation, a restoration, a revival, an awakening. We need to begin with the basics, and so we need to call the church back to focus about God. This whole thing is about God, not about the things we get from God. All those are kind of like bonuses, but this is about God, okay.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Next, the social injustice. This is kind of how they were defaming and profaning his name. Thus says the Lord out of Amos, chapter 2, verse 6 to 7, for three transgressions of Israel and for four, I will not revoke the punishment. Did you hear that? He said these people were basically not taking care of the poor, of the weak. You know? He says I will not revoke the punishment because they sell the righteous for silver. They need it for a pair of sandals.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Now today is there sex trafficking People that are being trafficked around the world. This is equivalent to what they were doing back then. And God said I will not turn away the punishment. Dear friend, there is a punishment. There is a punishment when we turn the blind eye to the affliction, to the social injustice that's going on around us. He says I will not turn away the punishment. There are consequences, because you know better. That's what he says. And so he says those who trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and a time aside, away from the afflicted, he says there are consequences. And that's how. When we Christians don't get involved in impacting our world with the truth and with the love and all that God has given us, he's holding us accountable. That's happened before and God hasn't changed. Okay, now it appears different in our time, but this has happened and God didn't like it and he punished it.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Okay, now, in the modern world, in modern day church today, what do we have? We have hypocrisy. You who boast in the law dishonors God by breaking the law. For it is written the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you. In Romans, chapter 2, verse 23 and 24. When we live hypocritical lives, we profane the name of God, we bring dishonor to his name. And he said because of that, the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles. And God was concerned because how we live, how we act, all the things we say and do reflect on God if we say we are Christians and by doing so we either dishonor or honor his name, okay. And so he says because of the way you know Paul talking to the Romans, because of the way they were behaving, they were dishonoring God.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Okay, casual use of God's name. You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless. Who takes his name in vain. Have you taken God's name in vain? I know you know today people don't even think about it. It's part of their caste work. But you know what? Every time I'll tell you this every time you use God's name in vain, you're bringing judgment and a punishment on your life, whether you're a Christian or not, whether you realize it or not, because this is the Bible God cares about his name. Everything he does is for his name's sake. Everything he created is for his name, to bring glory and honor to his name.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:When we preach right now, what I'm doing, I'm preaching the name to bring glory to the name. When somebody gets saved, you know who's glorified the name of God. You see, it's all about the name. When somebody gets saved, you know who is glorified the name of God. You see, it's all about the name. You see, it's all about the name. And so when we misuse the name, when you use it casually, you know as believers, you know in the world they don't know any better. But you see, that's why I'm bringing this message, because I'm warning there's this. I'm bringing this message because I'm warning. There's this warning that God wants to put out so people can repent and turn, and that's why I'm going to take you on this journey together. We need to repent, we need to return.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Okay, the next point misrepresenting God's character. You see, when we live and act and talk in a way that doesn't align with God's holiness, god's character, we are misrepresenting it. Okay, in the first episode I shared that story with the minister in Los Angeles who was cursing like a sailor and hoping to reach people, just because the people he's trying to reach curse. So he curses, you see. So I asked him in six years, how many people have you led to the Lord? None, you know why? Because he's misrepresenting God's character.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:If we are going to be believers who are going after God, we need to represent God's truth. We can't have a little bit of the world and sprinkle it with a little bit of God, because we are trying to be relevant to people so we can reach them. That's not what the Bible teaches. That's not the common ground the Bible teaches. God wants us to represent him correctly, and one of the ways we can truly represent God is when we pursue after really the fruit of the Spirit. The holiness of God is at the center, because God is holy. You see, dear friend, we don't become Christians just to escape hell. We become Christians so we can become like God and he wants to transform us into the image of his son. So at the end, when we go into heaven, at the end of the age, you know, jesus, we get to spend eternity. But even heaven is not for everybody. Heaven is for holy people.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:I'm sorry to tell you this. I mean, I know I have repented so many times. For many years I preached in large crusades and we told people come to the Lord. You know, we never really told them that there is a price to following Jesus. We told them he will forgive your sin, he will heal your disease. And people came. We packed up stadiums. But I'm telling you, after one time I was in South Africa and the Holy Spirit said Andrew, why are you giving them half the truth? You need to tell them there's a price to being a Christian. And what is that price? That you have to forsake your ways and forsake the ways of the world and go after God, to be like God, to talk like God, to act like God. There's a price. I remember weeping in my hotel room before going back to the crusade, because we were preaching the gospel and it's part of the gospel. And he said, no, just telling them I'm going to save their sin, save them from their sin and heal their sin. That's good, but you've got to tell them also that they have to forsake the world so they know what they're getting into.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:You see, dear friend, this is what God is calling us. We're not just here to go through life. We go to church, go through these religious rituals. We are here to represent God. Some of you, you are still alive. You wonder why am I still alive? Because God wants you to be transformed into his image, into his likeness, so that you are like the incarnation of Jesus in your neighborhood. So people look at you, they see Jesus. The way you talk, the way you act. God has transformed you. And by doing so, then you bring glory to his name.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:You see, dear friend, this is what God is calling. This is what Christianity is about. That's why we're called Christians, because we're supposed to be like, christ-like, not in some things, but in all things. And that requires holiness, that requires to abandon the things of the world. Jesus said you are in this world, but you are not of it. You see, part of the reason Jesus walked in so much power, because he said the king of this world is coming, but he has nothing in me. You see, when we come to that place, when we have surrendered everything, and God sanctifies us, that's why he said that he will be sanctified. You see, he's sanctified because he sanctifies us, because we are the living epistles that the people are reading. The world around us is reading. We are the living epistles. The Bible tells us Right, and so when people look at you, they read the epistle. What kind of epistle are you? What kind of letter are you? I know, I know this is not a popular message, but I pray that God speaks to you.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Divisiveness in the church. In John, chapter 17, verse 20 to 23, says I do not ask for these only, but also for those who believe in me through their words, that they may be one, just as you, father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. See, he's praying for the unity. See, he's praying for the unity when we as the church, we as believers, you know we are walking in love, in unity, loving one another with brotherly love. You know that godly love, that only the Holy Spirit can work in us when we are living. He said, they will know that we belong to him. Why? Because we are one, the unity in the church. But when we are divided, we bring dishonor to his name, we profane his name.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:As a matter of fact, I was in the UK and I was talking to a Muslim and he asked me but if you people, how come there's so many of you? It looks like you can't even agree on doctrine. Why would I want to join you? Because there's so many of you and you don't like each other. That right there I'm telling you.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:I spent hours trying to almost like defend Christianity, because that was an accurate observation. Christianity because and that was an accurate observation you find you know Pentecostals who don't like Baptists and the Baptists who don't like Pentecostals and the Charismatics, and we have these groups. I'm not saying, you know, I have nothing against denominations. That's not the whole point. The point was, here I was with somebody that I was trying to, you know, really share the gospel with and he had a good argument about how, you know, so we are so divided because of our doctrines and different things that we believe and the different things we do, and I spent hours and I, you know, touching him and talking to him. You know, and you know I made headway. You know, and you know I made headway.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:But I'm telling you, because of the way we kind of are divided in the body of Christ, you know, there are people like, yeah, I would like to, you know your God time telling a brother. I said, hey, it doesn't. You know we were going to do a meeting, you know, in Romania, and I said, you know what my goal? You know, because they were asking me, why are you here? And you know you were Pentecostal and charismatic and you move this way in signs and wonders. And I said, you know, at the end of the day, I'm here to lift the name of Jesus, if we have that in common, you know, we can put all these things aside and lift the name of Jesus. Can we agree on that? And everything we did, you know, we even had Orthodox at our you know camp meetings and all kinds of people from different backgrounds, and the whole focus was not on our, you know, to promote a specific doctrine. It was to lift the name of Jesus Because, at the end of the day, it is about the name. You know, when we go to heaven, there are not going to be sections for the Pentecostals here, the Baptists here, the Charismatics here. There's none of that. They are saints, people who have been washed in the blood, who have served God faithfully, and they have Jesus as their Lord and their Savior. That's it. So anyway, I got on a little trail here.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:So the next point is that really, one way is this prosperity and materialistic gospel that is being preached. Also, in some ways, because we have misrepresented God. It's like we sell God for money. We sell the anointing for money. It's like we sell God for money, you know, we sell the anointing for money, you know. And so those are some of the ways in the modern world and I'm telling you, you know the way we have misrepresented it in some ways or the other. The way we misrepresent God, we profane God, we bring dishonor and it becomes a hindrance to others. You know who in the world who can't really come into that relationship with God because they see us and they see, you know, like one time one person said, yeah, have you seen what is on TV? You know, yeah, if that's what it is, then I don't want to be a part of it. If that's what it is, then I don't want to be a part of it Because of the way the gospel has been commercialized and almost sold and the anointing we promise people for this $100, you will get this blessing and $1,000, you'll get a special prayer.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Dear friend, prayer is prayer, you know. And so I'm just telling you this because it breaks my heart and it breaks god's heart, and so I have nothing wrong with prosperity. God promises to prosper those you know, you know who do his principles. God promises prosperity, you know. But there has been in the modern church the way we have commercialized the anointing and the gifts and the miracles and all those things. That offends God and it brings dishonor to God's name. So there were historical consequences. I said we're going to talk about consequences. There are consequences of dishonoring God's name Ezekiel 36, verse 20 to 23.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:But when they came to the nations, wherever they came, they profaned my holy name, in that the people said to them these are the people of the Lord, and yet they had to go out of his land. They had to go out of his land, but I had concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations to which they came. In other words, when the children of God, the Israel, they went to other nations. At the beginning we talked about the idolatry and the false worship of idols. They began to dub into other cultures and partaking of their rituals, and yet they had strict, really, they had the law of god, what god expected of them, and so they forsook that and they began to do other things that were contrary. And that's why I said when they went to other nations, because now here they were, you know, um, out of where they are supposed to be, out of their place, and they were profaning god then, because now they are not living according to the standard of what god was, you know, a promise of what god had said, of what god expected of them and that brought a reproach. And god said I have concern for my name. Even today, god has concern for his name.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:When we begin to bring the world in the church, when we begin to be, you know, to live like the world, you know, god has concern. You see, you are saying why are we not saying, you know the God of the Bible moving? Well, just look at us. What are the things of the world that we are bringing in the church, you know, are we trying to, you know, preach the message on the strange fires and the different things that we bring to create a false fire. The Bible calls it the strange fire and the stage fire. That brought destruction. And so that's one way.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:They went away in exile, they forsook the commandments of God and began to do all the other things, and the people were like, well, are these not the people of God? Are they not supposed to be this way? You see, that's what they, you know. People around you are your place of work, your community, people watch you, people look at and they say isn't he supposed to act like this, isn't he supposed to live like this? Because they, you know, because you have that tag on you. You bear the name of Christ, the name of God, their expectations. I'm sorry if you think it is too much responsibility on you, but it is because God wants us to represent him. Well, what happened? Loss of divine protection Jeremiah 7, verse 12 to 15. Go now to my place.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:That was in Shiloh, where I made my name dwell at first, and see what I did to them because of the evil of my people, israel. You know what happened. When the Philistines, the enemies of God, came and took the Ark of the Covenant, the presence of God left. You know what he said go and see what I did there. My name used to be there, but go see what I did. He removed his presence. But go see what I did. He removed his presence. When they took the presence of God and left, I mean, god said go see, dear friend, it's not enough that we have seen a revival. Okay, in order. The way we get the revival is the way we maintain, it is the way we keep it. Okay, just because God, you know, people say say, brother, I used to hear God, I used to have moving miracles, I used. Then what changed?
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:The Bible says go back in Haggai, chapter 2. He said consider your ways. Okay. If something is not consider your ways first, how are you walking? He said go back to Shiloh and see what happened. My presence, the Ark of the Covenant, used to be there, but because of the people's unfaithfulness, they allowed the enemies of God to come and take away the presence where the Ark that housed his presence. Guess what? When the presence left, so was God's protection, so was God's favor, and he said so. There are consequences. When God's name is defiled, when God's name is profaned, and God lifts his glory, lifts his hand, lifts his protection, it's like we are left to ourselves, and that's not a good place to be. So this is serious stuff, dear friend.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Spiritual decline. We see this with the sons of Eli. Now, the sons of Eli were worthless men. The Bible says they were worthless. They did not know the Lord. In 1 Samuel 2, verse 12 to 17,. You can read that whole thing Now. Eli was very old and he kept hearing all that his sons were doing to all Israel and how they lay with the women who were serving at the entrance to the tent of meeting Okay. In 1 Samuel 2, verse 22 to 25. And that brought consequences. They did not fear the name of the Lord. They knew, but they had no fear. You see, the fear of God. When it leaves us, it's like we go through the religious rituals and anything is permissible, because once the fear of God is gone, there's no conviction. So allow the Holy Spirit to help you. I'm preaching this to you as I'm preaching it to myself and as I've been listening to the Holy Spirit to preach it to me. This is serious stuff. This can bring destruction or it can bring revival. It can bring blessings and I'm going to show you there are also blessings when we honor God's name. So here are some modern consequences Loss of credible witness.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:We talked about that. Even these are the things. I believe that when we dishonor God's name, we lose God's favor. I believe because God hasn't changed, god's standard hasn't changed. We're in the 21st century. Believe, because God hasn't changed. God's standard hasn't changed. We're in the 21st century, but God hasn't changed.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:He said I am the same God and he demands the same righteousness, the same holiness, the same obedience, you know, to his word and the same reverence to his name. That hasn't changed. So if in the past, if there was such punishment, you know Paul tells us, should we continue to sin so that grace may abound? Of course not. So we have to know that there are many ways, you know, we defile God's name and that can even hinder our prayers from being answered. Because God, every time we offend God, god removes his hand. We lose credibility in our witness. There is no peace, says the Lord for the wicked. You say, but yeah, god removes his hand. We lose credibility in our witness. There is no peace, says the Lord for the wicked. You say, but yeah, I'm a Christian. Yeah, but if you're consistently defaming and dishonoring God's name, you are not any different. Just because you say the sinner's prayer doesn't really put you in a different category. See, god is calling us to holiness. Dear friend, just because we say the sinner's prayer doesn't mean that we are working according to God's standard. God's standard hasn't changed. That means that you have an open entrance to the throne room of grace to experience the grace of God. For sanctification, you know, as I'm going to show you, for sanctification and transformation.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:The next point is when there are consequences of societal moral decay. Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people in Proverbs 14, verse 34. And remember this. You know the sin. That is a reproach when we dishonor God is a sin against God's name, and that can become a reproach if we are consistently defaming and dishonoring God's name. But my next point is God's heart, amid, amid, all our failures, is always to bring us back to him. See, god wants to have a red-hot relationship with you. He wants to chip away all these other things that are the hindrance and to bring us into that unity, into that holiness.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Listen to this in Ezekiel, chapter 36, 21 to 23. But he says but I have had concern for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations to which they came. Therefore, say to the house of Israel that says the Lord, god, it is not for your sake, o house of Israel, that I am about to act, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have profaned among the nations to which you came. I mean, you can go read. It's like they provoke God to judgment, to anger. But he said but because of my name. You see, I'm going to deal with you in mercy because of my name, I know so. All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But guess what? Because of God's holy name, we can come in humility, in repentance, we can come and be reconciled.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:The promise of restoration in George, chapter 2, verse 25 to 27. It's the same, you know, not only just happening, just happening. I know we use this scripture when we talk about the destroyer, but listen, in this context God had removed his glory because of the unfaithfulness, the disobedience, and the destroyer came in, you see, in here in this context, and he says I will restore to you the years the swarming locusts has eaten the hopper and the destroyer and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you, you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise the name of the Lord, your God, who has dealt wondrously with you, and my people shall never again be put to shame. Did you hear that? The key word there praise the name of the Lord. He says I'm going to restore. If you go back and read that whole chapter, you will find out what happened when the glory of God lifts. Why? Because there was defamation of his name and he's like okay, I'm going to leave it to you, to yourself. And the enemy came and beat them into pieces, the locust, the cutter, the destroyer we talked about.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:I did messages on Apollyon. When God's protection was lifted, apollyon, the destroyer, Abaddon, came in and began to steal, kill and destroy. But now he says, for my name's sake, he's coming. He said I'm going to restore. He says, for my name's sake, he's coming. He said I'm gonna restore. When they repented, when they returned, god is his heart is always to restore and bring us back.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:So this message is not a message to judge you, to judge me or the church is is a call. It's a call to restoration, a call to to really our true identity of holiness, to the lifestyle that God demands of us, so we can be healed, we can be restored and we can be filled with his life and power, so we can represent him in the world around us. As we conclude this message, there is a need for restoration, recognizing our part in dishonoring God's name. We are called to humble ourselves, repent and seek God's forgiveness. Okay, let me give you some practical applications here for this week.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Reflect on your life. Okay, take time this week to examine your words, your actions and your attitudes. Ask God, ask the Holy Spirit, any areas that you may have dishonored, knowingly or unknowingly, the name of God and where you need to realign your life with His holiness. The purpose of this message is to help you and I to realign ourselves with God so we can see the goodness and the greatness of God that he desires to bring into our world. The second practical action restore honor in key areas. Identify where God is calling you to greater obedience, maybe in your family, in your workplace, in your community, in your church. Seeks to restore the honor of his name by letting go of worldly influences that have tarnished your witness.
Working the Works of God Book:Okay.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Ask the Holy Spirit to show you. Maybe at your work, your interactions, he's going to highlight ways that he wants you to change so that your witness is not tarnished but your witness is truly changing those around you. And the third one is commit to holiness, decide to walk in holiness and honor God's name in every area of your life. Sometimes you may need somebody to pray with you, somebody to hold you accountable. Another believer, see, god will be glorified in you and through you when you begin to humble yourself and say God, I need you. So let's respond to God in prayer by asking him to restore our position, our relationship, to help us, and I'll make my notes here and this prayer available to you under this video or podcast or wherever you're watching this. Under this video or podcast or wherever you're watching this, say Heavenly Father, I come before you with humility, acknowledging the ways I may have dishonored your holy name in my life. I repent for the times I've been careless with your name, whether through my words, actions or by not lifting up to the standards you have called me to. I ask you for your forgiveness for any hypocrisy, disobedience or ways in which I have misrepresented you. Lord, cleanse my heart and renew my mind. Give me the grace to walk in holiness and to reflect your character in everything I do. I want my life to honor you and glorify your name. Where I have failed, I thank you for your mercy and your promise to restore. Help me to turn away from anything that profanes your name and lead me into a deeper relationship with you. I commit myself to living a life that represents your love, your holiness, your truth to those around me. Let your name be glorified in my speech, in my actions and in every aspect of my life. Thank you for your patience and for always calling me back to you In Jesus' mighty name. Dear friend, this is key for where God wants to take you. So we'll continue to explore how to restore the honor of God's name through our words and actions and faithfulness.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:In the next episode. I want you to stick with me. This is important and, dear friend, you're watching. You don't have a relationship with God. Jesus died so that you may live. You may have a relationship with God that you may live. You may have a relationship with God, that you may live a life full of purpose, full of power, joy and peace and, most importantly, just united with God. So if you haven't accepted Christ into your life as your Lord and Savior, today is the day.
Dr. Andrew Nkoyoyo:Would you pray this prayer with me. Say, jesus, I confess that you are the Son of God. I believe this in my heart and I confess with my mouth that God raised you from the dead. Come into my heart. I give you my sin and I take your righteousness. Write my name in the book of life. Fill me with your power that I may live a life that is worthy of your name. Thank you, jesus, for saving me today. I am yours, amen. Dear friend, if you have said that prayer, as simple as it was, jesus has come into your life. You are what the Bible calls a Christian. Find yourself a Bible-believing church a spilled field Bible-believing church and get plugged in and let us know. You can use the information on your screen. Write to us. We have resources free of charge to help you on your journey with God. May God bless you. Join me in the next episode.
Working the Works of God Book:As a believer, the keys to the supernatural are in your hands and with them you can access your inheritance. In his newest book, working the Works of God, dr Andrew teaches us how, through the glory of God and His anointing, we are empowered to move past our human abilities and function in the supernatural realm, where nothing is impossible. Order your copy today To become a Kingdom Impact Ministry partner, or sow a financial seed. Call us toll free 1-855-41-VOICE, that's 1-855-418-6423, or log on to wwwkingdomimpactministryorg.
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